Anti-Defamation League ‘Astonished and Horrified’ by Two-Thirds Increase in Antisemitic Incidents in 2017

By Ben Cohen, Algemeiner— The head of the Anti-Defamation League declared his organization was “astonished and horrified” by a recent steep rise in antisemitic incidents in the US, as the ADL released new data on Thursday that compared 2017 with the previous year. ADL’s Audit of Antisemitic Incidents — which covers the period from January through…

Israeli Military Says It Will Prevent Jihadist Takeover of Syrian Druze Village on Golan Border

By Barney Breen-Portnoy, Algemeiner— In an unusual public declaration on Friday, the Israeli military announced it would thwart a potential takeover of a Syrian Druze town by jihadists. The IDF statement came after a Nusra Front suicide bomber killed at least nine people in Hader, which is located just across the border from Majdal Shams…

Five Basic Arguments Against A Palestinian State

By Prof. Paul Eidelberg The article below was also published in 2008 as a pamphlet by an evangelical Christian organization and distributed to tens of thousands of its members, even though it utterly refutes the “two-state” solution” verbally endorsed in 2009 by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a speech he gave at Bar-Ilan University! *********************************************************************…

Experts: Next Hezbollah war with Israel inevitable, will be devastating

By World Israel News— A war between Israel and the Hezbollah terror organization is inevitable and will likely be “more violent and destructive” than the previous conflicts, according to a report by the High Level Military Group (HLMG), a think tank comprised of former senior defense officials. In the report, titled “Hezbollah’s Terror Army: How…