US Defense Secretary says ‘storm clouds are gathering’ over Korean Peninsula

By Clark Mindock, Independant— *Note the Israel-America Flag Pin on Mattis in the Photo! Defence Secretary Jim Mattis has urged American soldiers to be ready for anything, saying that “storm clouds are gathering” over the Korean Peninsula. Mr Mattis stopped short of forecasting any real armed conflict between the United States and North Korea, but…

Media Baffled as Trump Asks Ben Carson to Lead Cabinet Meeting in Prayer

By Brandon Showwalter, Christian Post— Some in the media appeared baffled by an “unusual” prayer during a Cabinet meeting that HUD Secretary Ben Carson said at President Trump’s request shortly after Congress finalized a sweeping tax reform bill Wednesday. President Trump asked Carson to begin a Cabinet meeting with a prayer Wednesday morning, inviting journalists…

‘I wonder why Israel even stays in the UN’

By David Rosenberg, Arutz 7— Representatives of 193 United Nations member states gathered at General Assembly emergency session Thursday to vote on a controversial proposed resolution targeting Israel and tacitly condemning American recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. On December 6th, President Donald Trump announced that he was reversing decades of US policy vis-à-vis…

Not Just Jerusalem: Why America’s Rabbis Voted Trump and Don’t Regret It

By Rabbi Yaakov Menken, American Thinker— Yes, you read correctly. America’s rabbis voted for Donald Trump. Given the common belief that Jews are liberal, this may come as a surprise to many. But not only do Orthodox Jews (the traditionally observant) have very different political leanings from their more liberal brethren, but they now encompass…