Trump administration to snap ties with Palestinians, no peace plan, no more monetary aid

By Debkafile— The White House has decided to quietly withdraw from all its ties with the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas. DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources report that the Trump administration has resolved to scrap all ties with the Palestinian leadership in retaliation for its campaign against US President Donald Trump and his Jerusalem policy. Several…

Jewish Family Gives Christmas Miracle After Remembering How Christians Helped Jews in Holocaust

By Jeannie Law , Christian Post— A Jewish family from Connecticut gave 2,200 needy kids in New York City a Christmas miracle this year despite not celebrating the holiday because they remembered the Christians who risked their lives for Jews during the Holocaust. According to the NY Post, Toys for Tots, a United States Marine Corps program,…

Israel to withdraw from UNESCO, following US

By Itamar Eichner, YNET News— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday instructed Israel’s representative at UNESCO Carmel Shama-Hacohen to submit to the organization’s newly appointed Director-General Audrey Azoulay an official, written announcement of Israel’s departure from the organization. Israel would join the United States, which in October pulled out from the United Nations Educational, Scientific…