Think tank: Potential ‘northern war’ is Israel’s gravest threat

By Lilach Shovel, Israel Hayom— Israel’s northern frontier will be the source of greatest concern in 2018, according to the Institute for National Strategic Studies’ strategic assessment for the year, submitted to President Reuven Rivlin on Monday. The institute’s report warns that Israel could find itself fighting the “first northern war” simultaneously against three adversaries:…

Israeli PM Netanyahu Slams Tehran Regime Over Treatment of Iranian Christians

By Algemeiner— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Tehran regime on Friday over its treatment of Iranian Christians. Referring to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s recent Twitter Christmas greeting, Netanyahu noted, “Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ while jailing Christians in your own country is the height of hypocrisy.” Addressing Iranian Christians directly, Netanyahu said, “We stand…