Abbas, You can’t Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

By Earl Cox, Israel Always— President Donald Trump recently tweeted a clear, long overdue message to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas: you can’t have it both ways. Offended by Trump’s December speech, which clearly left Jerusalem’s final boundaries to be negotiated by both sides, Abbas overreacted with trademark false accusations, and a huffy rebuttal of…

Palestinians: Abbas’s Big Bluff – Again

By Bassam Tawil, Gatestone— PLO leaders who met in Ramallah on January 15 recommended that the Palestinians revoke their recognition of Israel. The recommendation came in response to US President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The PLO leaders also advised their leadership to suspend security coordination with Israel. They also called for…

Abbas has opened the door to Israel-Jordan negotiations

By David Singer, Arutz 7— The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) threat to refuse to negotiate with Israel unless President Trump withdraws his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel could see Jordan replacing the PLO as Israel’s negotiating partner to end the 100 years-old Arab-Jewish conflict. This threat – unless unconditionally revoked – would…

The Church Has ‘Fundamentally Failed’ on Religious Freedom, Frank Wolf Says

By Samuel Smith, Christian Post— As the United States celebrated National Religious Freedom Day Tuesday, former Congressman Frank Wolf, the original author of the International Religious Freedom Act, offered a very pessimistic view about the future of religious freedom in America and around the globe. And he believes the Church has done very little to…

Abbas couldn’t make peace with the Jews; he believes his own lies about us

By David Horovitz, Times of Israel— Almost a decade ago, in the dying months of his premiership, Ehud Olmert offered Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pretty much everything the Palestinians ostensibly seek from Israel. Hosting Abbas at the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem on September 16, 2008, Olmert took out a large map and specified…