The Chutzpah of Hamas

By Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt, Congregation B’nai Tzedek— Like so many Yiddish words (and curses) the word “chutzpah” is very descriptive. The best definition is the old joke which appears in Leo Rosten’s classic lexicon, “The Joy of Yiddish.” He explains chutzpah as when you kill your parents, and then plead for mercy before the court because…

The Palestine Paradox: Why Do Leftists Love a Palestinian Cause That Rejects Their Values?

By Yigal Walt and Tamer Nashef, Haaretz— Leftists in the West, and particularly its most hard-nosed adherents, have largely endorsed and embraced the Palestinian cause. In Israel, too, significant forces within the leftist camp hold a deeply sympathetic view of the Palestinians and their ongoing struggle. Leftwing activists also play a key role in the BDS…

Poll shows deep divisions between Israeli and US Jews on Trump, peace, religion

By AP and TOI— An opinion poll published Sunday shows deep divisions between Israeli and American Jews, particularly in relation to US President Donald Trump, highlighting the growing rift between the world’s two largest Jewish communities. The survey by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) showed 77 percent of Israeli Jews approved of the president’s handling…