President Trump and First Lady Melania Hosting a White House Dinner for Evangelicals Tonight

By David Brody, Jenna Browder, Breaking Christian News— They want to honor the contributions evangelicals have made to American life. Many senior administration advisors will be in attendance along with more than one-third of Cabinet members. Members of the White House’s faith advisory group will be there, including Pastor Robert Jeffress who appeared on CBN’s…

Why Trump’s New Palestinian Refugee Policy is the Closest We’ve Ever Been to Peace

By Tsvi Sadan, Israel Today— Trump’s presidency divides Americans like never before. Most, however, would agree that his policy decisions vis-a-vis the Middle East match Israel’s interests, and at least on this point, Israel’s friend–Democrats and Republicans, alike–should support him. And Trump’s new policy regarding the Palestinian refugees is no exception. As published in the…