Will Saudi Arabia Replace the Jordanian Waqf on The Temple Mount?

By Rachel Avraham, Jerusalem Online–— “I believe that in the coming decades, things can change especially because the young people do not believe in the tyrannical slogans in the Arab world,” Mendi Safadi, who heads the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Human Rights and Public Relations, stated. Mendi Safadi, who heads the Safadi Center…

Palestinian Sharia Judge Admits: Jihad Against Israel is All About Islam

By Robert Spencer, Frontpagemag-— The Supreme Sharia Judge of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, admitted it last Wednesday: the Palestinian war against Israel is a jihad that will never be solved by negotiations. According to Palestinian Media Watch, Al-Habbash, a close advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, declared: “Jerusalem is the arena of conflict between…

CAMERA condemns ‘Christ at Checkpoint’ organizers for hosting anti-Semitic speaker

By JNS— The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) has condemned organizers and planners of the “Christ at the Checkpoint” Conference for hosting Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer, a well-known purveyor of anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. The conference is currently taking place in Oklahoma City as part of the organization’s concerted…

At Last, The Truth Is Told!

By Earl Cox, Jpost—- Since Israel’s unilateral disengagement from Gaza in 2005, the standard of living for the Palestinian people in Gaza has steadily declined, even though Israel gifted the Palestinians with thriving agricultural lands, productive greenhouses and beautiful beachfront communities. From day one of possessing Gaza, the Palestinian leadership began to demolish the greenhouses,…