2018 Christian Statistics in the Holy Land Show Sharp Contrast with the Rest of the Middle East

By Breaking Christian News— Just in time for Christmas, the Israel Bureau of Statistics has published figures on Christians living in Israel. According to the report, around 175,000 Christians live in the Holy Land, which makes them 2 percent of the total population. Of those, 77.7 percent are Arab Christians. (Photo Credit: Israel Today) In…

Netanyahu’s Coalition Collapses; Israel heading to Elections on April 9th

By Gill Hoffman, Lahav Harkov—JPOST Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the parties in his coalition decided Monday to disperse the Knesset this week and initiate an early general election on April 9, 2019. Netanyahu boasted to his Likud faction that his coalition lasted four years and had key diplomatic, security and economic accomplishments. He said…