The Video the Turkish Dictator Doesn’t Want You to See

Recently, Turkish President (read: Dictator) Recep Tayyip Erdogan used his appearance before the UN General Assembly to rail against Israel and its “oppression” of the Palestinian Arabs. During the rant, Erdogan hinted at his militaristic ambitions (already being manifest in Turkey’s onslaught against the Kurds) by suggesting that if the international community remained unwilling to…

Assad says Israel behind all anti-government forces in Syrian civil war

By Times of Israel— Syrian President Bashar Assad on Thursday charged that all the forces it has been fighting during the country’s eight-year civil war were “tools serving Israel directly or through the Americans,” and said he doesn’t recognize the existence of the modern-day nation of Israel. In a wide-ranging prerecorded interview on state television,…

Video: Ancient Israelites’ Conquest of the Holy Land Revealed by Desert ‘Footprints’!

Israel’s heartland is home to some of the most awe-inspiring remnants of the Jewish people’s conquest of the Promised Land over 3,000 years ago. Archaeologists believe that six desert “footprints” in the Holy Land represent stopping points for the Jewish people when they entered Israel with Joshua leading the way. These structures share common features,…

Israel Blocks Terrorists, Palestinians Block Critics

By Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute— For the past few months, Palestinians have been accusing Facebook of “waging war on Palestinian content” by suspending dozens of accounts belonging to Palestinian activists and groups suspected of anti-Israel incitement and promotion of terrorism. The Palestinians even went as far as accusing the social media giant of being in…