Palestinians: Don’t Believe UNRWA, They Are Not Helping

By Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute— The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) claims that it is on the “frontlines of responding to COVID-19,” and its officials are appealing for donations to help Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. According to an UNRWA statement from April 5: “UNRWA is doing its part to flatten…

Israel admits U.S. arrivals despite virus restrictions for second time in week

By Itay Blumenthal, Ynetnews— Dozens of passengers traveling from the United States were allowed entry to Israel on Thursday, despite regulations requiring any non-nationals to enter a 14-day quarantine at a state-run facility. It is the second time in days that such a breach has happened. According to health regulations that came into effect overnight…