The Biden Administration’s Iran Policy: All Carrots, No Stick

By Majid Rafizadeh, Gatestone Institute— Since the Biden administration assumed office, it has been increasingly appeasing the Iranian regime, which in return, is further emboldening and empowering the mullahs. The first appeasement came when the administration changed the previous administration’s policy of maximum pressure to a policy of appeasement toward the Iran’s proxy militia group,…

Christian leaders of ‘different traditions’ – not just Evangelicals – reach out to Bennett: ‘Please consider us friends’ with ‘com

By Nicole Jansezian,— Support for the new Israeli government continues to pour in as Christians of all backgrounds seek to distance themselves from caustic statements made by a major Evangelical leader earlier this month against the incoming government and new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Gathered by the Philos Project, the latest letter to Bennett…