After Zionism Denounced as ‘Satanic’ at Virtual ‘Quds Day’ Event in Canada, Jewish Group Calls for All-Out Ban

By Algemeiner Staff— An online video event in Canada hosted by virulently anti-Zionist activists to mark the Iranian regime’s annual “Quds Day” protest calling for the elimination of the State of Israel was distinguished by its antisemitic rhetoric, a leading Canadian Jewish advocacy organization said on Monday. In a statement, B’nai Brith Canada noted that…

Israel’s Control of Judea & Samaria – a Prerequisite for Security

By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative” The mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) – 3,000ft above the Jordan Valley and 2,000 ft above Israel’s heavily populated coastal plain – constitute the “Golan Heights” of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport, the key north-south transportation artery Highway 6, critical commercial…