By Amy Zewe—
As we examine the tentacles of antisemitism on college campuses, I often report on how the BDS movement and its activities and initiatives, as well as the annual Israel apartheid week are spearheaded and sponsored by the Students for Justice in Palestine (or SJP) group.
You may also recall that I reiterate that antisemitism comes from many sources—from the far left, the far right, from academic progressives and folks who view the world through a post-colonial lens, and those from Nazi-like mindsets. Moreover, antisemitism has origins and outcomes with roots in religious communities including Christianity with its centuries of replacement theology taught in Europe and then the US; and of course, Islam, a major proponent of antisemitism and hatred of the modern state of Israel today and the specific source of much violence against Jews and Israel. Islamic antisemitism whose hate for people of the book dates to its inception in the 7th century—even if the sentiment was not new or unique to its theology, it was the starting point for Islam.
So what all does that have to do with today’s initiatives against Israel and the antisemitism that Jewish students feel on US and Western college campuses? The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization. Palestine–which is but a region named as such in order to erase Jewish connection to the land and whose modern applications assume some nationality or state of Palestine wherein only Arabs and Muslims even ever existed.
Well, as I have reported in the past, the funding for the SJP is connected to the recognized terrorist group Hamas whose charter it is not only to see Israel erased, but to have no Jew on the region’s soil—and if there is a Jew (or a Christian), then those folks are converted or subjugated. Hamas, who runs the Gaza Strip, holds no loyalty or care for its own people within its boarders—it is replete with corrupt leaders who hoard funds for personal luxuries or concrete tunnels to further the killing, and who persecute even its own journalists and people who attempt to report truth from inside its boarders. Well, they are intimately connected to the SJP which operates freely on US college campuses in the name of academia and human rights.
Documentation of this can be found in an issue of The Stanford Review in an article titled, “Students for Justice in Palestine Linked to Terrorist Affiliate” by John Rice-Carmeron
John’s article reports on congressional testimony and evidence that funds and benefactors originated from Hamas and its supporters also include monetary support for SJP. Moreover, the issue of debating peace initiatives and discussing the dynamics of issues in the Middle East should not be at all stifled, but funded speakers and student groups by terrorist money should be off limits. Allowing terrorists’ ideals and money to support the groups that produce speaking engagements, educational materials and handouts, and organizing events on campuses should alarm everyone with any academic integrity and the desire for an honest and fruitful academic debate. We would not tolerate curriculum funded and developed by Hitler, David Duke or any known hate group and scholarly wasteland. Do keep a close eye where your tuition money or college contributions go—look out for what campuses have SJP on campuses and what activities it can engage using college funds, faculty, or facilities.
Shavua Tov, Have a great week.