Should We be Issuing Report Cards?
Sometimes a snapshot of someone’s performance is helpful to have. Anyone with children can appreciate those report cards teachers issue so we understand how our children are doing in school. (Well, at least most of the time we appreciate it.)
But can report cards be helpful in other aspects of life? For example, getting report cards on the performances of the schools we aim to send our young people to?
What about the big companies who perhaps will be our children’s employers one day?
StopAntisemitism is a non-profit, grassroots watch-dog organization dedicated to researching and reporting on the institutions that generate great influence and wealth in our society. While they share news reports from around the world, their data-driven reporting is based on topics specific to the US.
StopAntisemitism recently released a comprehensive 2022 report on the top 25 colleges and universities (in the US) and how they fare on antisemitism.
I encourage you to view the report, especially if you have young people in your life who are heading to college, or are at college.
Stop Antisemitism’s 2021 report analyzed major US companies in terms of how they deal with antisemitism …companies that we may not only have as employers, but also that we certainly patronize as we use their products and services.
What can be gained with this knowledge?
Information is power—and good information is vital in our continued effort to combat antisemitism—either on our own or partnered up with other organizations.
The more you know, the more you are equipped in making decisions. I am not proposing that you boycott these schools and companies—that is your own personal decision to make. But if you are aware of how schools treat their Jewish community members, or companies treat their Jewish employees (or the nation of Israel), it can help you know when to speak up and how, and what action to take, if any.
For those of you with young people of college age in your life, who may be on campuses this very moment, and you are concerned for the integrity of their overall education, might I remind you all about our Hebrew University Scholarship program. This program is open to any currently enrolled US college student. The student can have any major or degree program. Our scholarship program helps a US college student study at Hebrew University while living in Jerusalem for a full semester—while gaining college credit towards the degree program of their choice.
Living, working, and studying among the diverse and rich community of Israel will bring a true education to any student and help establish a lifelong love for Israel and all its inhabitants. This experience will provide an unadulterated examination of the conditions and situations of life in modern day Israel.
You can find information on our scholarship, which can also use recurring donations to help continue its funding, on our website.
Please share our link with students you know who may want to apply for a study abroad opportunity in the cradle of our faith and history.
Consider being a partner in this program by contributing to the scholarship fund so that each year we can send students to experience Israel to be personally convicted to combat antisemitism for the rest of their lives—back on their college campus in the US, throughout whatever career path they take, and into the very communities they will live.
Shavua Tov. Have a great week.