The fundamental fabrication and rejection of historical, political, and religious truths about the Palestinian Arabs has created a universal discourse inflicted with intellectual myopia enabling the majority of Islamic nations of the world to violate basic human rights of their own people. The nowadays almost automatic acceptance of legitimizing the rejection of truth and denying reality concerning Palestinian Arab terror has created a parallel system of logic and rationality, one for Israel and one for the rest of the world. If the Palestinian Arabs make every effort to attack civilians with either conventional terror or with missile terror and Israel makes every effort to avoid attacking civilians even when used as human shields, yet the symmetry used to describe these parallel events do not differentiate between the two, then one can easily claim that there is no difference between right and wrong, no difference between moral and immoral behavior. The rejection of truth by accepting fundamental Palestinian fabrications will only backfire and create a similar rejection of Western truth and morality as the world attempts to deal with the current barbaric terror campaign conducted by terror organizations claiming to represent Islam.
This key confusion has caused intellectual and moral paralysis in the west, playing directly into pathological Islamic culture which makes dialogue impossible. So many Muslims genuinely believe they are under attack by the West, that there is a giant conspiracy to destroy Islam, they perceive their own aggression as legitimate self-defense, and the West’s defense as aggression.
So despite millions of people around the world being horrified in recent days by the recent display of barbarism in the name of Islam when ISIS dosed Jordanian pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh with gasoline, then put him in an animal cage, and burned him alive, and of course broadcasting this whole event for the world to witness. It is no surprise that most of us were horrified, as we should be. Many in the media have been quoted as saying that perhaps this act of terror will be the catalyst that will wake people up to the ruthless and relentless savagery sweeping across the Middle East under the banner of the Islamic State. But, to be honest, I seriously doubt this.
We have gotten used to hearing and seeing the beheadings of journalists and aid workers. We have moved beyond the shock by the murders at the office of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, does anyone still remember that Jews were targeted out and murdered later that day only because they were Jews. Does anyone remember despite the extensive coverage that Boko Haram kidnapped hundreds of girls and sold them as sex slaves? Or the plight of Yazidis on Mount Sinjar, as these innocent people were crucified, buried alive, raped, and butchered by Islamic State. I doubt even whether many even remember the night when Palestinian terrorists crept into the home of the Fogel family and slit the throats of nearly every single family member who lay asleep.
And then came Obama…….., who stirred outrage with his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast only this past Thursday, by comparing the recent Islamic atrocities committed by ISIS to those of Christians “in the name of Christ” during the middle ages. Obama was quoted claiming that “Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said. “In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.” “So it is not unique to one group or one religion,” Obama said. “There is a tendency in us, a simple tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”
President Obama who as a child during his formative years, lived and was schooled in Islamic society. As an aspiring student during his early adulthood, he was immersed in Palestinian polemics absorbing intellectually and emotionally the necessity of fabricating truth concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict so as to justify support for the Palestinian cause despite their murderous behavior from its very inception. Today, he is confronted with those same Muslims who in the past were part of his life, yet today are behaving like barbarians across Africa, the Middle East, and sometimes into Europe and America.
President Obama did much more than stir outrage, by refusing to admit to the reality of his own Presidency, or as many might claim because of his Presidency. In retreating back to Middle Ages so that he can explain today’s barbaric behavior of Islamic State, Obama was attempting to create in the minds of the public a kind of moral equivalence, a type of moral symmetry that describes parallel events yet does not differentiate between the two. The logical conclusion of this kind of rejection of truth can easily claim that there is no difference between right and wrong, no difference between moral and immoral behavior, as far as Islamic State is concerned. This kind of immoral symmetry employed by Obama in his recent address is his way of denying what is actually going in in the Islamic world; actual reality, actual truth, actual facts, historical facts, present day facts are all simply an opinion, there is no one truth any more as far as Obama is concerned. Middle ages, modern period, it’s all the same. So if there is no one truth, it’s all a question of who has a more convincing narrative.
This is the common thread that ties together Obama’s inability to seriously confront radical Islam, and explains his determination to misrepresent the intentions of and negotiations with Iran. It also helps to make clear his ambivalent and at times overly hostile relationship with the State of Israel and its current leader. When Obama uses language that excuses away the brutality of radical Islam, we can only assume that he is truly unable to confront his own inability to lead rather than be led by past emotions and past affiliations.