One that calls for a response

Rachel Ehrenfeld said:  “The huge Republican gain in the mid-term elections diminished significantly President Obama’s political influence domestically and internationally. … , Obama’s failure could encourage his plans for a Palestinian State. … His ill-conceived “peace plan” in the Middle East – pressuring Israel to freeze construction in areas claimed by the Palestinians, give up…

One that calls for a response

German scholar Clemens Heni said: “There is no other prejudice or form of racism which you can compare to this centuries-long hatred (anti-Semitism) which has no real justification. If you look at Islam today, there is a point to Islamophobia because Jihadists say, ‘We want to kill the unbelievers.’ Jews never said that. Because as…

One that calls for a response

Elinor Mills of CNET News said: The Stuxnet worm has taken the computer security world by storm, inspiring talk of a top secret, government-sponsored cyberwar, and of a software program laden with obscure biblical references that call to mind not computer code, but “The Da Vinci Code.” … Stuxnet a “precision guided cybermunition” and criminals…