One that calls for a response

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Al Jazeera: “Israel is a sovereign country and it makes its own decisions,” she explained, adding that countries “often make decisions based on (their) own experience and history. And when the Israelis pulled out of Lebanon they got Hizbullah and 40,000 rockets and when they pulled out…

One that calls for a response

Melanie Phillips said: “So while Muslims deny the Holocaust, they claim that Israel is carrying out a holocaust in Gaza. Antisemitism is central to Jewish experience in Europe; Muslims claim that ‘Islamophobia’ is rife throughout Europe.  Israel gives all Jews the ‘right of return’ to Israel on account of the unique reality of global Jewish…

One that calls for a response

Howard Berman, the Chairman of the House’s Foreign Affairs Committee said: “The US reaffirms its strong support for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”… “The US reaffirms strong opposition to any attempt to establish or seek recognition of a Palestinian state outside of an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians,”… that real and…

One that calls for a response

Ron Dermer, political advisor to Prime Minister Netanyahu said: “The real key is the American position, and the unequivocal American position opposes any Palestinian attempt to circumvent the direct talks….What is extremely important here is that we are in sync with the Americans. If the Americans will not be a party to such a process,…

One that calls for a response

Israel’s former Ambassador to the U.S., Yoram Ettinger said: Chanukah’s uniqueness. Chanukah is the only Jewish holiday which commemorates a Land-of-Israel national liberation struggle. … The Maccabees, responding to an ultimatum by the Syrian emperor, Antiochus said: “We have not occupied a foreign land; We have not ruled a foreign land; We have liberated the…