Be my witnesses!

by Dwight D. Pryor, JPost Christian Edition The Apostle Paul emphatically reminds the Church that Israel remains “beloved” of God and that “the gifts and the call” upon His elect people are “irrevocable” (Romans 11:29). The core of that call is to be witnesses to the nations that there is one God, the Holy One…

Jew teaches Christians about Jesus

by Worldnetdaily A Jewish Hebrew scholar, a self-described “former Pharisee,” is providing Christians with some startling new revelations about their faith. Nehemia Gordon, a Semitic-language expert and one of the Dead Sea Scrolls translators, is currently in the United States, lecturing in churches and Christian Bible studies on the person he calls “the real Yeshua,”…

Terrorists motivated by ideology, not suffering

by Maayana Miskin, Contrary to popular belief, Palestinian Authority terrorists are motivated by religious and national ideology, not personal suffering, a PA researcher has found. The researcher, Bassam Yousef Banat, found that most terrorist killers were educated. Banat focused on PA terrorists who carried out suicide bombings. He found that most were educated youths…

A moderate 'outrage'

by New York Post Next time the White House criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne tanyahu’s reluctance to embrace the Palestinian Authority, it might consider the outrageous way those Palestinians are trying to rewrite history. The PA’s information ministry this week released an official “study” declaring that the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City —…