by Victor Sharpe, Family Security Matters
“Our faith was born there, as was our language, our nationhood, our pride. It is incumbent upon us to defend —– even if we all die.”
Those words were uttered by Serbian Deputy Prime Minister, Draskovitch, some twelve years ago while referring to Kosovo. Though his statement may be historically, spiritually and culturally in doubt, there is no denying the immense passion his words evoke.
The Serbs lost their ancestral heartland of Kosovo to the Muslim Turks a little over 600 years ago at the Battle of the Field of Blackbirds. Serbs never stop dreaming of lost Kosovo; it is now part of their national yearning for its eventual return, though the present occupation of Kosovo by the Albanian Muslims casts a giant shadow over any hope for its redemption. Still it is the hoped for return that unites most Serbs just as Jerusalem’s reunification and restoration to the Jewish people unites most Jews.
Six hundred years is a long time for a people to weep over its still lost heartland. Jews themselves wept over the loss of their Jerusalem for a far, far longer period – almost 1,800 years during the long exile before Jerusalem’s liberation from alien occupation and reunification in that momentous and miraculous summer of 1967.
Draskovitch was reflecting upon the unbearable pressure the U.S. Clinton Administration, through NATO, exerted upon the Serbian people even to the extent of a high-level bombing campaign, which destroyed all the bridges in Belgrade and took the lives of hundreds of Serbian civilians.
According to an article written by Elyakim Haetzni for Arutz Sheva Israel National Radio, a reporter asked Draskovitch if he “did not want his country to become a part of the West and to share in its wealth?” The Deputy Prime Minister replied: “Not if the price is Kosovo.”
Like Israel today, the Serbs were the target of a hostile media. Muslim atrocities against the Christian Serbs were played down almost to exclusion while Serbian massacres of Muslims were banner headlines. As far as the media was concerned, the Serbs were: “Guilty until proven guilty.” That is how Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu recently described much of the international media’s present day attitude towards Israel’s attempt at self-defense in the face of a premeditated campaign of anti-Israel demonization and de-legitimization.
John Cleese, the wonderfully funny British comedian who was part of the earlier Monty Python Flying Circus and who played the part of the memorable manic proprietor of the British seaside hotel, Fawlty Towers, said on a recent You Tube video that, “now that I am sixty six years old, I can see that the world is completely mad.” And he was referring to a far darker and more sinister madness that exists today than his comical portrayal of the world some three to four decades ago.
The current occupant of the White House, Barack Hussein Obama, acting as the chief appeaser of international rogues and redistributor of Americans’ wealth, speaks about foreign tyrants but pounds his desk with a feather when it comes to reining in the aggressive nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea.
In that Temple to Hypocrisy, the United Nations, the U.N. Human Rights Council, whose president is Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi and whose members include the most barbaric and repressive regimes imaginable, spend their time ignoring their own human rights abuses and target only one tiny nation: Israel. Dozens of breathtakingly biased resolutions have been cast against the Jewish state without once ever referring to the appalling history of Palestinian Arab terror that Israel has, and is, forced to endure.
The mad world denies human rights to the Tibetans whose land has been swallowed up by the Communist Chinese. It denies human rights and self- determination to the Kurdish people who endure great suffering at the hands of Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. It denies justice to the Greek Cypriots whose island is 33% occupied in the north by Turkey.
And where is any meaningful UN intervention in Sudan in which the Arab Muslim north has already slaughtered millions of black Christians, Muslims and animists? Yet all the time, a massive flow of US and European Union tax payer money pours down a veritable black hole in the deluded hope that it will bring freedom and democracy into Arab-Muslim lands.
Billions of dollars have already been syphoned off into hidden tax havens, be they by despotic and corrupt leaders in the Palestinian Territories, in Iraq, Afghanistan, or throughout the Middle East and south Asia.
According to Matthew Rosenberg, writing in the June 28, 2010 edition of the Wall Street Journal, “more than $3 billion in cash has openly been flown out of Kabul International Airport in the past three years. Most of the funds are being moved by often secretive outfits called ‘hawalas’ – money transfers with roots in the Muslim world stretching back centuries.”
But in this mad world, western politicians and leaders seem devoid of understanding the simple fact that Islam will never embrace democracy for Islam means submission to the will of Allah; not – as democracy teaches – submission to the will of the people.
Seeing the West in its present day descent towards a new dark gulf, I am reminded of Winston Churchill’s lament of Britain’s similar descent in the 1930s. Replace his mention of the British nation six months before Munich with that of America today and his words ring uncannily true as we endure the trillions of dollars of debt piled up by President Obama and the Democrat party while witnessing the ever rising peril of Islamic triumphalism.
Churchill said: “I have watched this famous island descending incontinently, fecklessly, down the path which leads to a dark gulf. It is a fine broad stairway at the beginning, but after a bit the carpet ends.
“A little farther on there are only flagstones, and a little farther on still these break beneath your feet … if mortal catastrophe should overtake the British nation, historians a thousand years hence will still be baffled by the mystery of our affairs.
“They will never understand how it was that a victorious nation, with everything in hand, suffered itself to be brought low, and to cast away all that had been gained by measureless sacrifice and absolute victory – gone with the wind!”
Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer, contributing editor, and author of Volumes One and Two of Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.