- Viacom/CBS was planning on hosting an online forum event to celebrate women’s history month in March.
- Viamsom/CBS extended an invitation to Linda Sarsour. Linda Sarsour, vehement Anti-Semite, proponent of BDS and colluder with known terrorists, claims she is a feminist and was invited to sit on a panel. Keep in mind she was let go from the militant Women March organization for her radical and antisemitic beliefs after telling Jewish women not to participate in the March because Zionists cannot be Feminist. Thankfully, a rush of protest reversed that invitation.
- Sarsour recently published a new book and to help promote it, her buddy Rashida Tlaib posted a social media video praising the book.
- In the video Tlaib was wearing a PLO-themed t-shirt depicting a map with Israel wipe from it.
- This is yet another example of Democrats not only accepting antisemitic activity, but even cheering it on; while the traditional Jewish members of the Democrat party sit back and do nothing, in the name of tolerance. All while defiling any sense of true feminism.
But what about feminism, inclusiveness, equal rights and how these Muslim women, who are arguably leaders and influencers, address it? And, what about how they vilify or ignore women trying to better the female plight or who are in true suffering from oppression?
- Do either of these women have any clues about the realities women face in the Middle East?
- Israel is the ONLY place Arab women can attend school –through the terminal degree level, without obstacle! Moreover, more than 50% of the attendees in graduate schools in Israel are female. No place else in that region can women in general, let alone Arab women (Muslim or Christian, Druze, or other) move as freely about and pursue their own dreams as in Israel.
- NO employment laws protect woman in the Middle East as they do in Israel
Another Example:
- Syrian prisons have more women in them then do Israel’s, and the Syrian prisons torture the women. The Syrian prisons has over 400 women in custody for unclear crimes. Israel has about 48 –nearly all arrested on terrorism charges.
- But the hours and energy spent demonizing Israel regarding its female prisoners population is extensive, but no such parallel for Syria—not even a mention.
- Sarsour, or Tlaib or Omar (the latter two sitting in the US Congress), do nothing for the plight of women who truly suffer, especially those in their homelands or living under their own cultural and religious heritage—for which they have no critique. These women go on to defame and blast those who ARE doing something to protect and bolster the position women—namely, Israel and many of its supporters.
I wonder, out of all the BDS activities and apartheid weeks going on at colleges, where young co-eds are very aware of the issues facing Women, at least in the West, even know what is going on in the Middle East. Do they know how in Muslim nations women suffer? How these female BDSers not only ignore it, they divert attention away from the only democracy in the region offering any hope to oppressed women?
- Last year in Chicago at the American Muslims for Palestine conference, Sarsour equated the State of Israel to White Supremacy.
- Keep in mind that the latest Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan is an Arab Christian.
- Keep in mind women in the Middle East have no safer or freer place to be than Israel, including Judea and Samaria.
- Sarsour went after female survivors of Muslim regimes.
- 2001 posted on Twitter, attacks on conservative writers (and Israel supporters) Brigitte Gabriel and Ayann Hirsi Ali (who suffered great abuse including FGM): each prolific writers and activists to liberate women living under a the heavy hand of Islam, Sarour Tweeted (my apologies for the graphic nature):
“Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ wippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away—they don’t deserve to be women”
So this is how feminist support other women? And their status and celebrity continue to rise among women in the West?
If we are going to have a women’s history month, let’s study some real women’s history—Specifically the plight of women in the Middle East and Muslim nations, if we are to elevate their female leaders.
- Tlaib’s attempt to legitimize Sarsour’s recent book and message is another attempt to legitimize antisemitism and in doing so, takes feminism back more than a few decades.
I would like to see Sarsour, Tlaib, Omar and others rise up and come to the defense of a women in real peril—come to the defense of…
- The western woman jailed in the UAE for replying to a man’s text with harsh words to stop.
- The woman in Saudi Arabia who was beaten by her male family members when she was raped by another family member.
I’d like to see them champion even one instance or topic about a woman suffering oppression and abuse within their own heritage, to let those women know they are not forgotten or left behind.
- Instead, they spend their time, energy, and publication space attacking the one Jewish state, nestled among 50 Muslim states, that actually has both a culture and laws, and a justice system that treats women with equality and protections.
- Moreover, members of the US Democrat Party, Jews, Christians—or other, must purge these power-grabbing, ingenuine feminists who cloak themselves in a supposed social justice as a tactic to take their toxic, dare I saw viral, antisemitism and infuse and infect all of society with it.
To combat this, we need prayers.
The human side of me wants to stop these women and shut down their voices. But I am not a militant person nor a above any of the notions in the Bill of Rights.
The best way to stop these women is for them to see the light and have a “Come to Jesus Moment” where the scales on their eyes and the death masks are removed and they are transformed by truth: they recognize, repent, and recant their ways and join forces to defend God’s will and purpose, and truth.
That is the best-case scenario
In a way, this is happening!
David Garrison, PhD University of Chicago published a book in 2014, A Wind in the House of Islam. (Publishing an article about his book in June 2019 in Newsweek) noting his findings on the WHY we have (thankfully) an uptick in Muslims convert to Christianity (besides the Lord’s Will):
- Dreams and Visions (do not discount this method of God in our modern age). “The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8.)
- Qur’anic Scriptures leaving too many “dissatisfying holes”
- Increase focus of Christian Evangelism in the Muslim World
- Increase prayer for Muslims, “…this may seem unempirical, and yet I could not deny the uncanny coincidence between the 25-year history of a global prayer movement for Muslims called ‘30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World’ and the emergence of 84 percent of all the Muslim movements to Christ recorded in 14 centuries; even skeptics could not ignore this.” (Garrison)
- Increase in Biblical Translations to various Arabic dialects
- Internet, Satellite TV and Radio access in the Muslim world to Christian themes and messages.
- Global migration of Muslim peoples into Christian populations
- Post-colonial context that would allow Muslims to consider the gospel apart from its previous European trappings.
- Trauma or Shock of events in the name of Islam, (9/11, the Iranian Revolution, The Algerian Civil War, and more).
God is reaching down to gather up all his children, no matter how far they may have fallen or into what fallen-fold they may have been born.
My blood boils at some of the actions of these women, and many men, in the Islamic movement. I want them to stop and somehow be silenced: the first choice I have for that happening is some sort of conversion—to the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…the God of the Holy Scriptures…not Allah, not the Koran.
Then, we can talk about with the secular progressives and Democrats.
Shavua Tov