Join us for this update from Israel with long-time friend and ministry partner Sandy Shoshani of Be’ad Chaim (noted as the Operation Life project on our website).
Sandy provides an update on the situation in Israel, and the emotional and psychological trauma facing Israelis from all backgrounds, particularly mothers and children living on the front lines of war and aggression.
Sandy’s heart for being the voice for the voiceless and the demonstrable loving arms of Jesus to women facing circumstances with no recent precedent is inspiring to all of us who ache to provide comfort to Israel and her people.
Join us to hear her words and learn how you can help.
Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor;
Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:17).
Links to articles referenced in this episode:
WATCH: Wails Of Newborn Baby Intersperse With Holocaust Memorial Siren At Assuta Hospital – VINnews
Hamas terrorists have agreed to a framework for a cease-fire agreement with Israel, according to a Monday statement.
You can go to our website to donate in support of Be’ad Chaim under “Operation Life.”
You can also participate in the Gardens of Life tree planting campaign—you can have a tree planted in honor of a mom, grandmother, or child. Your donation goes directly to aid in the resources Be’ad Chaim provides to mothers and children. You may also consider sponsoring an episode of Red Alert of Bible Fiber in honor of a mother or grandmother as we recognize all the motherly figures in our lives.
Today’s episode is sponsored by Jim Werner in dedication to US Air Force colonial Brian Neese, his wife, our President, Shelley’s Neese, and their four children. Brian (and the entire Neese family) serves our nation with dedication. The Neese family recently met with orders to move this summer—a common set of orders but by no means an easy order for a family with four growing children. We Thank Jim for his support.
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