The road to reach Jerusalem for the remainder of Ethiopia’s Jewish community has been a long and hard-fought effort. As God brought Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea so we are able to live in this exciting time as God, once again, clears every obstacle to bring His people back to their own land. In this insightful and heartwarming documentary, the ICEJ TV Team captures unique moments in Jewish Ethiopian Aliyah – from the first generations of new olim until today.
As you watch, we hope you will step into the same pain of separation and waiting and the same joy of reuniting and dreams fulfilled that are experienced by the lives we had the privilege of featuring in this documentary.The ICEJ invites you to join in this prophetic mission to bring the last remnant of the Ethiopian Jews back to the Land of Israel. When you bless Israel through the ICEJ, your financial gift clearly communicates a testimony of Christian love to the people of Israel who need it most.