by Brenda Taylor
The following was written by a friend of Jan Willem Van der Hoeven from the International Christian Zionist Center. Brenda is living in Wales. Her account of what has happened to Britain as a result of its indulgence of Islam should serve as a warning to those of us in the USA.
The scene is Jerusalem; the day is Good Friday; the year is Jubilee. In the early hours of the morning, I was suddenly wide awake, and I saw a vision of the Israeli flag – i.e. a blue star on a white background. As I watched, it changed to a glittery silver/gold star on a black background.
The vision then began to take movement, and the star began to ascend into the night sky, and as it did, a comet trail of stardust was deposited and settled over the nations of the earth, which I recognized in the Spirit.
I asked the Lord what all this meant, and He spoke to my heart and said ‘This is the time of Israel’s ascendancy, and as she rises, it is time for the SETTLING of accounts with the nations. The deposit will remain for blessing or for curse, depending on how they have treated Israel.’
I asked ‘What of Britain?’ The answer was one I didn’t want to hear, because the Lord said ‘At this moment she is for curse.’ I felt so grieved inside, but immediately the Lord reassured me and said ‘Don’t be sad! It is a friend who warns, not an enemy. Where you can, take my message and encourage people to repent and to pray for My people Israel.’ The vision closed, leaving me with a burden for both Israel and the UK, and also a profound sense of the Lord’s desire to be merciful if we’d humble ourselves and pray as He asked.
Following this, I discovered many of the reasons that Britain is for curse, including the forsaken promise of the Balfour Declaration. We had the mandate for modern Palestine and promised Israel its Bible land back. We broke that promise before the ink was hardly dry, and took back 83%, leaving them with 17% of the original agreement. Deuteronomy 27 states there is a curse for moving your neighbour’s boundary mark, as well as the Genesis 12 curse for evil treatment of Israel.
When we broke the treaty, it divided the land of Israel with Islam, slicing off a huge chunk which was rightly theirs. I also discovered that it was British gunboats that blocked the Jews from returning to their homeland after the Holocaust. Britain also voted against Israel becoming a nation, as well as cruel treatment when they were desperately in need of care after the war ended. From motivations of greed, we have befriended the Arabs at Israel’s expense. These are just some of the causes for the Lord’s judgment on Britain.
At a later date, the Lord showed me the links between the root sin and the outworking of the curse. Even as we sliced off Israel’s land, so our Empire has been sliced off. Even as Britain divided the land of Israel with Islam, so He will divide Britain with Islam if there is no repentance. The division opened up the Jewish people to violence, bloodshed and unresolved disputes, and we have had horrendous problems in Northern Ireland along these same lines.
There is much more that could be said, but we need to have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. The Church also needs to come to repentance for our history of bad feeling against the Jews. We have cut ourselves off from our roots, and although the root can survive without the branches, the branches cannot manage without the root.
Replacement Theology is totally against God’s purposes as revealed in His Word, especially Romans 11, and this is seriously hindering the blessing God longs to pour out.
I pray for a deep and full revelation of God’s heart on Israel, so that from a revived Church will come a Holy Spirit move in our nation that will bring a great end-time harvest.