For the Sabbath of February 26, 2011.
Torah Portion: Exodus 35: 1—38:20, “YaYakhel (“And he assembled …”)
Haftorah: I Kings 7:13—26, 40—45
Gospel: Matthew 5:17—20, “Al Tachshvu” (“Do not think …”)
New Testament: II Corinthians 9:6—11
For the Sabbath of February 26, 2011.
Torah Portion: Exodus 35: 1—38:20, “YaYakhel (“And he assembled …”)
Haftorah: I Kings 7:13—26, 40—45
Gospel: Matthew 5:17—20, “Al Tachshvu” (“Do not think …”)
New Testament: II Corinthians 9:6—11