Musical video-essay featuring MICHAEL ROGATCHI’s In the MIRROR of SHOAH series of original oil paintings and INNA ROGATCHI’s BLACK MILK & DARK STARS collection of fine art photography and collages reflecting the Holocaust in the metaphorical way. The album of the artistic couple has been completed by Inna Rogatchi in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of YAD VASHEM. The name of the collection and essay FOR THE NAME and THE PLACE is a paraphrase of the quote from the Book of Isaiah that has provided the name for YAD VASHEM.
More about Inna and Michael Rogatchi, their art and philanthropy – at the site of The Rogatchi Foundation-
Music: Traditional Yiddish songs which had been re-written and re-arranged by inmates of the Jewish Ghettos during the WWII; the songs itself has become a memorial to the victims of Shoah. Songs Mazl and Nit keyn rozhinkes, with its Ghetto-originated lyrics, performed by Adrienne Cooper and Zalmen Mlotek, NYC, USA. The version of Mazl is from Sosnowo Ghetto; the version of Nit keyn rozhnikes is from Lodz Ghetto. The cmmposer David Beigelman ( Nit keyn rozhnikes) died immediately after liberation of Auschwitz where he was taken from the Lodz Ghetto. The authors are expressing their deep gratitude to performers for bringing back to life such unique pieces of memory of the Jewish people.