By Amy Zewe
Attention All Who Love Israel: Urgent Appeal for action!
Israel is in Mortal Danger with the pending Iran Nuclear Deal. And we have an important action we are asking all of our friends to take on Israel’s behalf. Today, can you please contact your congressional representatives to voice your objection to the Iran deal/
Use THIS link to find your Congressional Reps—House and Senate—and contact them today!
Your action is needed, TODAY.
The Iran Nuclear Deal is bad for Israel, clearly, but it is also bad for the entire free world.
US delegates have walked out of negotiations in the past week because of how harmful the terms are for Israel and the US. Even the neighboring Arab nations of UAE and Saudi Arabia, and others, recognize the dire situation the passage of this deal will mean for all the peoples of the Middle East who oppose Iran’s extremist ideology.
The Iran Nuclear Deal is being largely ignored by US mainstream press. Politicians from both sides of the aisle seem to be complacent in stopping it. YOUR VOICE is needed for our democracy and to protect the only democracy in the Middle East (Israel) and its neighbors.
PLEASE contact your House and Senate Representatives QUICKLY via email, fax, phone and mail. Show up at their office doors if you are able. Voice YOUR opposition to this deal. US Taxpayer dollars should not fund the Iranian regime in any way. The deal allows for Iran, via its proxies, to double or triple precision missiles placed in neighboring Israeli lands—all pointed directly at not just the Jews, but the Muslims and the Arabs in Israel.
The Iran Nuclear Deal puts billions of US dollars in the hands of Mullahs who have vowed to wipe Israel off the map. The deal is being disguised as a pathway to peace and clean energy—but this will NOT be the result. Even before a doom’s day device is fully developed by Iran, the deal enables Iran to double its precision ballistic missiles already aimed at Israel from Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon.
Imagine living in the shadow of a constant threat of annihilation? Imagine a nuclear arms race among the nations of the Middle East!
VOICE YOUR OPPOSITION to demand YOUR Congressional representatives and the media Stop the Deal!
Use this link to find your Representatives contact information and communicate to them your opposition to this deal.
In addition to the mortal danger to Israel this “deal” poses AND the overwhelming opposition to by all Israelis, consider the sentiment coming from Israel’s neighbors, as well:
Examine just a few of the reasons ascertained on March 16, 2022
From Israeli Arab journalist, Khaled Abu Toameh: the reasons that the moderate Sunni countries are not willing to speak with Biden in a show of opposition to the Iran Deal:
Biden’s bad Iran deal is forcing other Arab states to develop their own nuclear capabilities to counter Iran.
In a message directed at the Biden administration and the other Western powers involved in the Vienna negotiations, the Arab countries said that Iran and its terrorist militias are continuing to create chaos and instability, especially in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.
The Arabs, including the Arab League, are telling the Biden administration that, in their view, it is not only Iran that threatens their security, but also its terrorist proxies, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.
The Arabs are clearly worried about the financial and military aid that Iran is providing to the terrorist groups.
Any deal with Iran will further strengthen these groups and encourage them to step up their terrorist attacks.
The Arabs are also worried that when Iran obtains nuclear weapons, they will sooner or later find their way into the hands of its terrorist proxies and other terrorist groups, including Islamic State (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda.
“This president is deaf. He cannot be trusted.” – Ali Al-Sarraf, Iraqi political analyst, Al-Arab, March 12, 2022.
If the Biden administration and its friends reach a new deal with Iran’s mullahs, we are likely to see more Arabs come out against the US.
“We have made it very clear that if Iran acquires a nuclear capability, we will do everything we can to do the same.” — Adel al-Jubeir, then Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs, to CNN, May 9, 2018.
Keep Israel, and its neighbors, safe.
Amy Zewe
Vice President, The Jerusalem Connection
For additional current insight on the situation, here is some information for you to consider and pray upon: The Iran nuclear deal may be imploding. Good. – The Boston Globe