By Shelley Neese
This has been a very traumatic year for the world and the nation. We have felt it on a very personal level here at The Jerusalem Connection. In January, our long-time videographer and close colleague Bill Lee passed from this world after a terrible car accident. In March, our fearless leader Jim Hutchens went into strict quarantine in his assisted living facility. And just last week, our volunteers of fifteen years, George and Marilyn Levar, lost their ten-year old grandson, Alex. A tragic accident at home sent him to be with the Lord in Heaven much too early for his earthly parents and extended family. I am also so sad to see the reports coming from Lake Charles, my hometown, in the wake of Hurricane Laura. Lake Charles was totally devastated and friends and family there are still without power or water.
It is not our usual pattern to come up short for words and updates on our ministry. But right now, we ask for your prayers. We ask for healing for George and Marilyn. Nothing feels worse under this sun than the heartache from losing a child or grandchild. We ask for your continued prayers for Jim and his health. We pray for the people of Louisiana as they pick up the pieces of their lives.
We know we are not alone in the suffering and hurt. We know the healing power that comes from Jesus Christ our Lord. We also know there is nothing more important than joining hands with each other, loving and serving each other, and holding one another up in prayer.
Marilyn Henretty, a friend of the Levars over many decades and colleague at The Jerusalem Connection, had the idea that we should honor the life of little Alex by planting a garden of 100 trees in the Galilee. If you are a friend of George and Marilyn or would like to contribute to the garden, just click the link below or mail your Donate Via Mail:
The Jerusalem Connection, Intl
PO Box 20295
Washington, D.C. 20041.
We are raising 500 dollars for 100 trees to be planted.
Trees for Alex