The Obama administration has been involved in the six-party talks that took place in Geneva this week; discussing the removal of sanctions against Iran. Obama is in favor of removing some sanctions, if Iran is willing to make some compromises in its nuclear program. The Iranian leadership continues to declare that they have no intention of creating nuclear weapons, but the level of refinement, and the construction of detonation technology and missile delivery systems make it all too clear that the goal is nuclear weaponry. Iranian President Rohani’s own words in writing, less than a decade ago, bragged about how he was able to trick the international nuclear watchdogs, while Iran continued making progress with their nuclear program. The diplomacy game involves intricate deception, and the Islamic powers are masters at this game. Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to warn the international community about the ruse that is being laid out before them by Iran. With so much evidence, of Iran’s nuclear weapon’s intentions being so readily available, we must pray that people, in the position to stop this unfolding atrocity, will have a desire to act upon the truth.
- Pray for the hearts of men and nations to be revealed in plain sight (for the world to see) so that individual observers and listeners can chose the side on which they want to stand. Let the clandestine hatred of the Jews, and the lies that endanger Israel be exposed.
- Pray that the Lord, Himself, would deal with these Iranian uranium enrichment facilities, with the storage facilities, with the missile and computer technology, with the foolish diplomats, and with the wicked, lying Iranian leadership.
- Pray that the western nations would wake up and get an understanding of the genuine threat being established against the whole globe through Iran’s mad dash to create WMD’s.
- Pray that the sanctions against Iran would continue, and that they would intensify, rather than be removed.
- Pray for the Iranian people, who are unwillingly suffering under this oppressive, ambitious, dangerous, Iranian government and military power. Pray for them to rise up and to throw down this wicked leadership. Pray for multitudes of Iranian intercessors to arise and pick up this cause for their nation.
- Pray that Bibi, the IDF/IAF, and all of Israel would remain awake, alert, and fully prepared to make an instantaneous, pre-emptive, strike if the Lord calls it forth.
- Pray that Israel will never underestimate the threat or ignore the advance of an enemy.
There is absolutely no possibility of a Palestinian State being formed according to the demanded terms of the Palestinians. Bibi Netanyahu declared that Israel would maintain possession of the Jordan Valley. Abbas has declared that no Jewish presence will be allowed in Jordan Valley. Bibi has said that Israel will retain Jerusalem and most of the West Bank. Abbas has declared that there will be no Jewish presence or Israeli security forces in East Jerusalem, or in any part of the West Bank. Bibi has said that any Palestinian State must be de-militarized. Abbas has said that they will have an army, an airport, and a seaport of their choosing. Bibi has said that Israel must be declared to be a sovereign nation with the right to exist in her own land, before any Palestinian State can be established. Abbas and Hamas have said that the Jewish State will never be acknowledged in this way. The list of opposing statements could go on and on and on. So why is John Kerry, Obama, and the rest of the world insisting that this Palestinian State must be formed by concessions made by Israel? This is such a huge waste of time and resources. I guess it’s buying time and putting the pieces of YHVH’s end time scenario into place. All this talk is certainly wearisome, even as the demands of the nations being made to Israel are infuriating.
- Abbas is making the rounds in the European nations, demanding that sanctions need to be applied against Israel for her refusal to comply with the Palestinian demands for all Jewish settlement construction to stop.
- Pray that sanctions will never be leveled against Israel.
- Pray that Jewish building in the Jewish heartland and homeland will increase. This building by Israel is not at all illegal according to international law. Pray that the lies, suggesting that it is, will be shot down.
- More than a billion dollars in money donated to the PA by the EU is unaccounted for. Pray that the EU will cut off the supply of funds to the PA, and that it will decry the corruption in this organization and declare the utter failure of its leadership. Pray for the citizens of the EU to cry out against the PA and against the Palestinian State proposal.
A massive underground tunnel, which took well over a year to build, was discovered recently near a security zone and a kibbutz in the south. This tunnel is big enough for a tall man to walk through without stooping. It is 20 meters underground. It has electricity, telephone, and even a tram set up to rapidly transport weapons and personnel through the tunnel. The discovery of this tunnel was a huge wake up call for Israel. 24,000 concrete slabs, which were demanded by the US administration, to be given by Israel to Gaza, as humanitarian aid to ease the suffering of the Palestinian people, formed the walls of this massive tunnel. Thousands of other “humanitarian aid” concrete slabs, handed over to Hamas in Gaza, are unaccounted for. Presumably, they too are underground, serving as the support structure for other deadly tunnels. Israel has now cut off all shipments of this nature into Gaza. If this structure had not be discovered by the Israeli security forces, massive numbers of terrorists and weapons could have poured into Israel. Numbers of IDF soldiers could have been captured and dragged into Gaza for torture and trade. In another event of terror this past week, a Palestinian drove a construction tractor through the fence of an IDF military base in an attempt to kill soldiers. Blessedly the threat was quickly neutralized by effective gunfire from some soldiers on the base. Terrorism against the Jewish people has not disappeared. It has merely gone underground and taken on new creative forms of threat.
Praise and thank YHVH for the discovery of this tunnel of terror! Praise YHVH for the wake up call that it has given Israel, and for the response that Israel has made toward it.
Praise and thank YHVH for the effective interception of the terrorist that breached the military base.
Pray for every existing, hidden, terrorist tunnel to be discovered before they come into so that not one of them succeeds in shedding Jewish blood.