This is a sectarian conflict largely between the two main Islamic factions of Sunni and Shiite. The Iran, Assad, and Hizbullah coalition are the Shiite arm of the battle. The Sunni portion of the fighting force (the opposition/rebels) consists largely of local Sunnis, supported by Muslims of Saudi Arabia, Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, Egypt, etc. (with a few seculars and Christians in the opposition calling for freedom). Now the Obama administration has pledged to send support to the rebels. This is a totally crazy idea! The nations need to stand back and let these Islamic factions battle it out against each other. Anytime infidels get between warring Islamic parties, the rage of the Muslims turns against the non-Muslims. We have been praying for the enemies of Israel to turn on each other and to devour each other (as often happened in biblical times). That is EXACTLY what is happening in this Syrian crisis. It is foolish for the western nations to enter into this mess. It may seem right to jump into the fray to save the innocents. However, when the Lord is cleaning a house, it is better to follow His instructions rather than imposing our own agenda. In this conflict there are no genuine good guys to receive the military support of the West. The fact that there is evidence of the use of chemical weapons is meaningless, when trying to pinpoint the perpetrators. The opposition has access to these deadly elements as well as Assad’s forces. Neither side would hesitate to use them on their own people, in order to raise up a pitiable cry that the other side did it. Neither side is trustworthy. We must also keep in mind the role that Russia is playing. That nation is the defender of the Assad administration against the West. If we want to see WWIII, all that the western nations need to do now is to attack Syria’s Assad. In addition, we need to know that 80,000 fighters for Assad have been trained and set for battle, by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and Hizbullah. The power keg is acquiring more explosive elements every day!
- Pray that there would NO support given to either side in Syria, as western leaders and governments understand that this is an Islamic battle from which everyone else needs to stay away.
- Pray that Israel would not be caught in the overflow of rage that will come if the West gets involved in this mess.
- Pray for the Islamic factions to continue to rage against each other, rather than unite in an attack against Israel.
- Pray that the US Congress will countermand Obama’s support to the rebels. Pray that no US troops will be sent into Syria.
- Pray for the protection of Israeli airplanes as the number and strength of anti-aircraft missiles increase in Syria and in Lebanon.
- Pray that YHVH keeps Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea caged as these tensions increase … especially now that 4,000 Iranian troops have come in to support Assad.
- Pray that the true identities and colors of the “Opposition forces” become WELL known, and that none of the atrocities they are committing stay hidden from the international community.
- Pray that the Americans will see the contradiction/hypocrisy of fighting al-Qaida in all parts of the world, while they are planning to arm the same group in Syria … with arms, which eventually will be turned against Israel.
- Pray that YHVH alone will direct a coming war, and that He will decree the timing and the outcome. Send in your angels to protect Israel in the explosion to come, Lord.
The S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, that Russia is offering to Assad’s forces, continue to present a major threat to Israel. These missiles can travel and hit targets 125 miles away from their launch site. Israel has such a tiny sovereign airspace that the whole Israeli Air Force will be in great danger if any of these high tech, highly accurate weapons get into any Arab/Islamic hands. If Assad gets them, you can bet that Hizbullah will have them very quickly.
- Pray that these weapons self-destruct on the way to Syria if the shipment is made. If these weapons are already in Islamic hands, pray that all of their electronic guidance systems short circuit in storage, or totally fail at the time of launch.
- Pray that YHVH would hold Russia accountable for offering these deadly weapons to the enemies of Israel.
- Pray that any chemical weapons directed at Israel will become harmless substances, while en route to launch sites, or at launch time.
- Pray that not one Israeli will suffer or die from a chemical, biological, or nuclear weapon used against Israel.
- Pray that this conflict in Syria ends soon. The longer is drags on the more likely it is that Israel will become a target of deadly Islamic attack.
With the Morsi government in Egypt being a solid Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic regime, with a goal to bring sharia to all of Egypt, and with Egypt still hating Israel and hoping to drive the Jewish people out of Israel, it is shocking to see how the USA continues to give favor, military weaponry, and financial support to Egypt. Sec. of State, John Kerry slipped an additional support check of $1.3 BILLION to the Egyptian government in the form of aid and military supplies/equipment last month. Egypt is showing no signs of moving toward democracy, along with having no heart for Israel’s existence to continue. This donation of aid by the USA is outrageous … especially with America in such a crushing debt crisis. Why does America continue to send money to nations, who consider the USA an enemy to be destroyed? INSANE!
- Pray that Divine wisdom, truth, and sanity will manifest in the US government … in all branches … and have an impact on these kinds of stupid decisions.
- Bind down the spirits of Appeasement, Lies, Manipulation, Theft, Bribery, Betrayal, and Humanism
- Loose the spirits of Revelation, Truth, Wisdom, Honesty, Accountability, Disclosure, and Righteousness.
- Pray that Israel would be prepared for an attack from Egypt at all times.
- Pray that the Israeli military scientists will be given wonderful, witty, inventions and technical upgrades, so that she will remain a step ahead of every enemy and ally.
- Pray that the funds and weapons given to Egypt will evaporate supernaturally.
The US House of Representative’s Armed Services Committee authorized an additional $15 million to fund the Israeli Iron Dome weapons system. However there are strings attached to this money. Up until now, the Israelis have maintained ownership of the Iron Dome technology, which was designed by Israel. Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.) tacked on an amendment to the funding proposal making it conditional. He suggested that Israel “may be obligated or expended for enhancing the capability for producing the Iron Dome short-range rocket defense program in the United States, including for infrastructure, tooling, transferring data, special test equipment, and related components.” In essence, Israel could loose control of their technology, and once it is in the hands of the Americans, it could end up being shared with Israel’s enemies. The USA wants a piece of this action, if they give the fund to Israel. Since this technology is VITAL to Israel’s defense in their very hostile neighborhood, America is demonstrating its true heart by making this requirement. Freely the countries of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other potential or actual enemies of Israel get American aid without strings attached. If the USA is truly a friend and ally of Israel, knowing that this technology is life and death to that nation, wouldn’t the support come to Israel without America getting something for itself?
- Pray for this stipulation to be dropped, and for the funding to come without strings attached
- Pray for the Israeli leadership to have wisdom in dealing with this offer and this funding.
- Pray for YHVH to put His hand upon the Americans, and put great fear in the hearts of the legislators regarding treating Israel this way, and regarding “sharing” this witty invention, (given by YHVH to Israel for her protection) with anyone.
- Decree and declare that YHVH is Israel’s IRON DOME AND DEFENDER!
Economics Minister, Naftali Bennett hit the nail on the head today, while speaking to a conference of Jews in Judea and Samaria. He said: “Never in the history of Israel has so much energy been invested in something so pointless.” It is time for this Two State Solution scenario to be dead and buried. Peace is not possible, regardless of what Israel hands over to the Palestinians. They do not want Israel to exist or for the Jews to have any portion of the land of Israel. Besides, it is not even practical to think of uprooting the Jews from their established communities and settlements. There are 400,000 Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria, and an additional 250,000 Jews living in eastern Jerusalem. Many of the 8,000 displaced from Gaza many years ago have still not recovered their lives. Imagine hundreds of thousands of Jews being displaced. Israel CANNOT return to the pre-1967, indefensible borders. The Palestinian claim on the land is a fabrication. The increase in Palestinian violence attests to the heart of this ridiculous lie (of two states living in peace, side by side) being prospered by the Oslo peace camp and the nations. Today, 10 Jewish children at play were attacked by Arab youth, who destroyed their property and beat the children, in a Jewish community on Har Homa (a Jerusalem suburb). While the UN and the nations are decrying legal Jewish settlements as illegal in international law (calling them the great stumbling block against peace), thousands of truly illegal Arab settlements are given a pass and a blessing to exist. From their securely protected positions in the eyes of the nations, the Arabs continue to physically attack the Jews in Judea and Samaria. Former Palestinian foreign minister, Nabil Shaath, announced that he couldn’t guarantee that there wouldn’t be another violent intifada, to force the Jews to comply. Meanwhile, today 2 tunnels under the West Bank wall were discovered by the IDF. Preparations are being made by the Palestinians to increase the flow of weapons and fighters into Israel against the Jews. These are not acts of peace.
- Pray for the death and burial, without resurrection, of this Two State Solution.
- Ramp up prayers for protection of the Jews throughout the Land. Pray especially for those in settlements/communities in Judea and Samaria, and for those on the Mount of Olives and Mount Scopus in Jerusalem. Rock throwing can be very deadly. Pray for angelic shielding and for divine ricochet.
- BIND THE SPIRITS OF MANIPULATION AND LIES that are operating full bore in the Palestinians, in the international Muslim population, and in the leadership throughout the world.
- Pray for the masses of misled, propagandized, Palestinians, who have believed the lies of their wicked leaders and Islamic clerics. They are heading for great danger at the hand of YHVH if they continue their course.
- Pray that all tunnels coming into Israel, secretly, underground, will be discovered and closed. Pray that nothing will be able to come through them into Israel.
- Pray for the Jews to come into unity behind an absolute refusal to cooperate with any Palestinian State, created out of the Jewish biblical inheritance.
The moderate candidate, Hassan Rohani emerged as the winner by a landslide. While it is vital to see that this nation’s electorate voted for the one moderate candidate against all the other hardline candidates, we must remember that likely little will change in that country. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his counsel vetted and approved every candidate for that election. Hundreds of others were refused a place on the election slate. If Rohani was approved, very likely, he had an agreement with Khamenei. He must be someone the mullahs can work with and not feel threatened. We must remember that Hamas and Fatah have fooled the nations of the world. The members of these two terrorist groups suddenly became trustworthy darlings of the western nations, once they donned suits and spoke lying words that sounded lovely to the humanist dreamers. We need to watch and pray regarding Rohani and Iran.
- Pray that Rohani will be impacted by a visitation from YHVH very early in his presidency.
- Pray that Rohani will not be a secret “yes man” for Khamenei and his crew.
- Pray that the believers in Iran would pray for Rohani day and night, that he might turn to the Lord and rebel against the mullahs.
- Pray that Rohani would not deceive Israel, and that the USA, the EU, and other nations would wait to see who this man really is before giving him great laud and favor.
Rather than give you all the details about this summer camp program for Gaza youth, please take a moment to read about it before you pray. It is unthinkable that 10,000 youth at one time are being trained to capture and to kill Jews, to make war against Israel, and to hate any living Jew. This is immoral at the highest level; perverting children and teaching them to be used as weapons by Islam, for the purpose of jihad against the infidels, especially against Israel.
- PRAY that the Lord would be able to intercept these children and youth before they go to hell, while pursuing the glory of this demonic deity.
- Pray that YHVH would come down very hard on the adults, who are training these children in this way.
- Pray for the mothers to love their children enough to stand between them and this child abuse.
- Pray for the truth about this program, and about similar programs to get out to the nations.
- Pray for the UN support for these camps to be exposed and decried.
- Praise YHVH that 5 terror attacks and 30 kidnap attempts made by the Palestinians were thwarted last year. Pray that not one attack will succeed this year. Not one soldier kidnapped, in spite of these training camps, designed to make them happen.