By Victor Sharpe—
“Let the likes of Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah and Hamas goons see before their very own eyes how their crimes and terror result in the building and rebuilding of Israeli villages and towns throughout the ancient and ancestral Jewish homeland.”
The two wonderful Israeli women, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover, founders of Women in Green and leaders of the Sovereignty Movement, call repeatedly for the application of Israeli sovereignty throughout Judea and Samaria, the ancient and ancestral Jewish heartland (often and erroneously called “the West Bank”).
They do so in Press Releases in which they condemn the many Muslim Arab atrocities against Israeli civilians throughout the embattled Jewish state. They were responding over a year ago to one such murder of 29 year old Itamar Ben-Gal who was struck down near the entrance to the town of Ariel in Samaria, Israel.
That murderous knife attack was perpetrated by a Muslim Arab with Israeli citizenship, yet calling himself a Palestinian. His vile act, as with all the other many Arab atrocities, was encouraged by the grisly terrorist, Mahmoud Abbas, titular President of the so-called Palestinian Authority who reeks of hatred against members of the Jewish faith and who has presided over the forced exodus of so many Christian Arabs from Bethlehem and the territory his PA now viciously occupies.
Since Itamar Ben Gal’s murder by the soulless Muslim who called himself a Palestinian, many other Jewish victims have fallen at the hands of such fiends. Now a 17 year old girl, Rina Shnerb, who had just celebrated her birthday and was on a hiking trip in Samaria with her father and brother, was murdered while visiting a nature site and spring – itself named after a Jewish youth who was earlier butchered at that same site by another Arab. Rina’s father and brother were badly wounded by the Palestinian perpetrators who deliberately triggered a bomb as the family walked by.
The PA’s territory from which the fiends are sent occupies large swathes of the Jewish ancestral and Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria – territory which, as I earlier wrote, too many nation states and hostile organizations still prefer to call by the Jordanian Arab name: West Bank.
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar stated that, “the application of Israel’s sovereignty in Judea and Samaria will make it clear to the Arab terrorists and to those who send them that Israel will present an iron wall of resolve and tenacity against terror. Moreover, sovereignty that is also implemented in the field will make it clear to terror entities that Israel is here to stay forever and that there is no basis for them to hope that their terror will cause Israel to retreat or that it will result in any other gain”.
They continued their principled address by adding the following:
“It has been proven in the past that Israeli withdrawals bolster the Arabs’ hopes that they will be able to vanquish Israel through violence and terror. Israeli sovereignty will make it clear that the result will be the absolute opposite and terror will be annihilated from its roots.”
But in my opinion, a principled Israeli government should create irrevocable and unassailable Jewish and Zionist facts on the ground in direct response to Islamic and Arab hate.
In the first volume of my four set work titled, Politicide: The Attempted Murder of the Jewish State, I included a chapter titled, The ultimate answer to Arab terror. At that time in 2002 I wrote:
“A direct and pure Zionist response to each and every Palestinian Arab and Muslim terror atrocity against Israelis must be the immediate building or rebuilding of Jewish villages throughout Judea, Samaria, all of Jerusalem and the Golan, with each new village named in eternal memory of the individual Jewish victim who fell at the hands of Arab and Islamic hate and evil.
“Would that the Jewish villages in Gaza, so shamefully destroyed by the Sharon government, could also be rebuilt.
“Years of futile hope that matters will improve in the face of Arab knives, bullets, bombs, missiles, boycotts and venomous diplomatic warfare, have availed Israel naught.
“The answer to aggression from the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians is to act in ways that make it so painful for them that they will come to realize that their violence and blood-lust becomes horribly counter-productive.
“Military responses to Muslim Arab violence are effective, but only up to a point, for the Fatah and Hamas thugs welcome death as shahids (martyrs) which, in their warped ideology, guarantees them the 72 virgins and sexual delights allegedly awaiting them in paradise.”
As I wrote all those many years ago, “there is a far, far more devastating and purely Zionist response that Israel must employ regardless of the howls of rage that will undoubtedly emanate from the baleful and ever hypocritical chancelleries and international corridors of power in Europe and from the immoral cesspit known as the United Nations.” Now also from the two venomous anti-Semitic Muslim women who currently pollute the U.S, Congress with their presence: Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.
Let me repeat. A principled Israeli government will hopefully and finally respond to relentless Muslim Arab terror by restoring, rebuilding and creating Jewish villages and neighborhoods ((and stop calling them by the pejorative term, ‘settlements’ – they are towns and villages) throughout Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan, every time the Palestinian Arabs murder or harm any Israeli man, woman or child.
And I again plea that each new village or town (again – never use that self-destroying and pejorative term ‘settlement’) be named in eternal memory of the victim(s) of Arab hate and evil. This should be in addition to the legal, moral and sacred imperative to restore Jewish sovereignty throughout all of the Land of Israel from the river to the sea; and reclaim the God given Covenanted land – even unto Gilead.
Create Jewish facts retroactively in direct response to Islamic hate. Immediately remove the reported 10,000 illegal Palestinian buildings that have smothered Israeli controlled Area C; funded mostly by the duplicitous EU.
Let the likes of Mahmoud Abbas, along with the Fatah and Hamas goons, see before their very own eyes how their encouragement and funding of Muslim terror and glorification of Muslim thugs who murder Israelis, systematically destroys their hopes for the creation, in the heart of the Land of Israel, of a fraudulent country called Palestine: one that has never existed as an independent sovereign state in all of recorded history.
And when the world falsely rages that Jews are “impeding the peace process” by building, “settlements,” that same immoral world must be told that in direct response to every Israeli victim of Palestinian butchery, permanent Israeli villages will be built and rebuilt in Judea and Samaria – each one named after the long and tragic list of Jewish victims.
Only then will Mahmoud Abbas and his cronies in the so-called Palestinian Authority or the Hamas thugdom see where their hate and aggression are leading them.
It should have started long, long ago, but make it happen now as a direct and irrevocable response to those Palestinians who perpetrate their loathsome crimes while screaming the Islamic supremacist war cry – Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greater).
Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer with many published articles in leading national and international conservative websites and magazines Born and educated in England, he has been a broadcaster and has authored several books including a collection of short stories under the title The Blue Hour. His four-volume set of in-depth studies on the threats from resurgent Islam to Israel, the West and to Judeo-Christian civilization is titled, Politicide: The Attempted Murder of the Jewish State.
© Victor Sharpe