Think on this: “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘this is what Adoni Yahweh says: It is not for your sake , O house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have gone.” … “I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. You will live in the land I gave your forefathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God. I will save you from all your uncleanness.”… “For by grace are you saved through faith and that is not of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ezekiel 36:22, 28; Ephesians 2:8-9)
Pray on this: Gracious Father, we see your sovereign sequence of events that will transpire regarding Israel. First you have kicked them out of the land you promised because they have profaned your name and practiced idolatry. Now, by your grace you are bringing them back to the land in unbelief and still in a profaned state. You have yet to bring them to a spiritual renewal and a believing relationship with you. Grant that Christians may see your sovereign hand in all of this and work and pray in alignment with your ultimate goals for Israel and the Jewish people.