By Amy Zewe—
This week we mourn the loss of our courageous and accomplished founder, Dr. Jim Hutchens—US Army Paratrooper and Chaplain. Ordained Referend and church leader for many years. Father to 3 and grandfather to 12 and great-grandfather to 7.
To me, he was my beloved mentor. Jim founded The Jerusalem Connection (along with his late wife, Patty) about 16 years ago. I met him in 2008 when he asked me to contribute news articles to the then paper magazine. A few years later when the organization’s publications went completely online, Jim asked me to spearhead a special, weekly broadcast—via video—that addresses the issue of antisemitism and the BDS movement. Jim was ahead of his time. Knowing the Bible as he does—expertly—while also being in a daily, deep relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jim felt led to ask me to take on the endeavor of weekly reports on what is happening on college campuses and all over the world under the banner of antisemitism. At that point in my life, while my love for the Jewish people and Israel was well established, I was only remotely aware of this danger and growing cancer in our modern-day society. Thus, The Red Alert Report was born.
I took on Jim’s challenge, and weekly since 2011, I have brought you the latest news –both good and bad–in the fight against antisemitism as we here seek to fulfill our mission of advocating and caring for the Jewish people and support for the modern state of Israel. The entire time, I grew exponentially in my own journey to discover God’s purpose for me…facilitated through Jim’s leadership and guidance.
Please know that our mission here at The Jerusalem Connection will further the passion and legacy of Jim and Pat Hutchens. While their earthly presence may have ended, their reach into our lives and the next generations lives on through their work and via a torch they lit many years ago, which we will continue to shine to an ever-expanding network of friends and supporters and into the next generation. We will continue to expand the reach of The Jerusalem Connection and continue to have available Jim’s work via his video and print legacy. Jim’s account of his time in Vietnam is documented in his Beyond Combat book. Jim and Pat’s story is relayed through their co-written autobiography, Guilty. Jim and Pat have each authored other books as well. Jim’s hundreds of videos and teachings will remain always available on our YouTube channel. Simply click the paylists and you can enjoy Jim’s timeless teachings anytime. Jim’s teachings will remain archived on our YouTube Channel—forever available for all.
Please keep Jim’s family and friends in your prayers.
And we will keep you in ours.Shavua Tov….