August 2015
To mark the second anniversary of the events where from current Ukraine counts its new existence, the country’s officials are hurrying up the process of massive name-lift of the place. Many of Ukrainian cities and a giant number of streets all over the country are to be renamed by November 21st, 2015.
To fulfil the task, a special re-naming commission has been set up in each municipality of the country. The commissions had drafted their proposals for re-naming. To make an impression of a democratic character of the process, the proposals are announced on the sites of some, not all, municipalities, with an idea that people would be reading and reacting to those proposals. And they do.
As people from Ukraine are telling to us, they are terrified. “We are stunned. This is not the process of de-communisation. The recent law on de-communisation has prescribed to change only the Soviet Communist names, but what’s going on here is the process of total and forceful Ukrainisation, in fact. Instead of expected 60 streets to be renamed here (in a big city of Dnepropetrovsk), they are willing to re-name 350 of them now. The situation in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa, and the other big cities with a long history is the same“, – we are told by extremely worried citizens of Ukraine. Loyal citizens, just very frighten ones. We are also told that “people here are very much weary and worry. People are afraid. They are depressed. People are scared to the scale to which they were not scared even when the conflict was in its hot stage. Because at that stage there was a hope that it all will be settled down and the lift will come to some sort of normality. But now people have realised that it was an illusion”.
The Ukrainian officials in charge with the Operation Renaming openly and serenely are declaring that “it is our only chance to get rid of everything Russian now, not just ideologically, but culturally, too, so we are very committed to implement the system of new names – and new values – into our society at this very moment”, – to quote Sergey Svetlichny, the chair of the working panel of the re-naming commission in Dnepropetrovsk. His interview has been published by several Ukrainian media. He calls himself an academic.
According to the accepted by municipalities and publicised re-naming plans, all the main streets and avenues in the downtowns of all major cities of the Eastern and Southern Ukraine are to get the names of Stepan Bandera, Roman Shuhevich, Eugen Konovaletz, thus glorifying the vicious murderers and Nazi collaborators whose criminal records are horrifying and are documented in detail.
On the record: to call these stern facts as “Russian, Israeli or Polish, for this matter, propaganda”, one must be certified Holocaust- and the crimes against humanity-denier and has to be treated accordingly, in a legal way, too.
Additionally to that, the big and important central streets and avenues are proposed to rename after such vicious anti-Semitic bandits as atamans Mahno and Petliura who commanded pogrom gangs in Ukraine after the Bolshevic revolution; and in whose name the Bandera militia had conducted the second Lvov pogrom in July 1941 known as “Petliura Days”. Those gangs were notorious in their cruelty in the Southern and Eastern of Ukraine in the 1920s murdering, robbing, raping thousands of people there and setting a vivid model for the new Ukrainian ‘heroes’ massacres carried on in the 1940s . Many Jewish families in those vast regions of Ukraine still remember the both waves of those pogroms in their chilling details. Now they are supposed to live being enlightened by the names of the criminals at their home or office addresses. It makes a nice walks through a city, too. All of the Ukrainian cities, to be noted.
To make it all yet nicer, many central streets are proposed to be renamed in honour of every possible Ukrainian getman, the leaders of the gangs of butchers, from the XV century onward. On their hands are oceans of Jewish and the other non-Ukrainian blood, throughout all Ukrainian history.
Getting the information of the current self-re-make of Ukraine, one cannot stop to think on very similar process meticulously described in the book first published in 1944 in the USA and becoming an instant world best-seller. The book’s title was The Story of the Secret State, and its author was Jan Karski, a Polish hero who has brought to the West the first factual account of the Holocaust (which no decision-maker was interested to get familiar with at the time). In his book, Karski described how beloved by him Poznan, the city of the most sophisticated Polish culture, has been Germanised by the Nazis over a few weeks in the Autumn 1939, and what an unbearable void it has become for thousands of people there. Jan Karski was a first-hand witness of the process. Now, 75 years and three generations later, we all are witnessing the beginning of something very similar in Ukraine.
“How we are supposed to live on the Bandera, Shuchevich, Mahno, Petliura and all those bloody getmans streets? Our families were victims of those criminals. People here are remembering it all very well. This is insane,” – people from Ukraine are telling us being extremely worried, even in a state of panic. This is also insulting, not just insensitive and over-done. What’s going on there it is an abrasive push of the new ideology of the new Ukraine which had find no one better but their infamous butchers of all epochs, to infuse their citizen with a new-found patriotism. Patriotisms in what? In the skills of torturing? In the degree of hatred? In the limitless cruelty?
But the world community seems to be a little bothered by this outrage. There clearly is a wave of the growing concern in the leading Western media, but all is still quite serene, at least, publicly, on the international diplomacy and political directions. Well, if this is so acceptable and does not worth noticing, it would be logical to expect a hypothetical re-naming the streets all over the world then, with Hitlerstrasse in Berlin, Kaltenbrunnergasse in Vienna, Mengele platz in Munich, and so on. They all were fighting for the glory of the Reich, their fatherland, were they not? Additionally, they were the ones to whom Bandera, Shuchevich and their criminals were given the oath, who did recruit and breed them from early and mid -1920s, who did pay and form their divisions, who did teach and train them. If their pupils, agents and paid workers has become the heroes in the country which is supported by Europe so enthusiastically, it is OK for the masters to be proclaimed super-heroes, in this logic. The ineptness of the world leaders with regard to the Ukrainian flourishing neo-Nazification does demand the answers from the senior decision-makers, the blinded unequivocal supporters of the country which has lost 5,3 million of their citizen in the Second World War, but decided to promote and support in its new existence a manifesting neo-Nazification .
Back in early 2014, when the Ukrainian conflict started to unfold, with the neo-Nazi parties and organisations, 27 of them being registered and operated in Ukraine at the time (now it is much more) , has come to the proscenium of the political process in Ukraine, we had discussed this looming problem with many senior US and European officials. No one of them did dismiss my concern; everyone did confirm that the problem is acute and worrisome. “Yes, we know about it , it is existing and worrisome“, but – “We’ll deal with it a bit later”; “ we can assure you that we are keeping our fingers on the pulse of it”, “it is going to be under control” – I was hearing from all of them in unison . Well, is it?
And is not the case of Hungary had been alarming enough, where the same problem of the rising neo-Nazi movement had been left unnoticed to become really acute phenomenon for entire Europe some 15 years later when the movement has matured in a remarkable – and unchallenged – way until it has become too late? And would not it be a bit sobering to remember that population-wise, Ukraine is four and a half times bigger than Hungary?
The young generation which would be born and grow up on the Bandera street, would read and see what’s is on the Ukrainian TV and in their text-books now, will be brought up as natural fans of the Ukrainian ‘heroes’ who had been vicious murderers and zoological racists. This generation is also have now a wide array of their current very active and highly profiled in the Ukrainian society neo-Nazis, to help their illustrious brought up. So, we should not be surprised on the qualities of that society already in a decade time.
Apart of the Eastern, Southern and Central parts of Ukraine which has become a subject of the Operation Renaming, it worth of mentioning that the process of thorough toponimical and historical glorification of vicious murderers has been successfully completed in the Western Ukraine yet decades ago. All major and other cities of the six regions ( of 24 in Ukraine in general) enjoying their Bandera, Shuhevich & Co names of the streets from mid 1990s onward, plus numerous very pompous memorials to vicious Nazi collaborators whom the Ukrainian new leadership and their parliament has re-qualified into ‘the fighters for the Ukraine’s freedom and independence’, and numerous museums of all sizes establishing the legacy of racial hatred and unspeakable crimes as a noble national tradition. Many Western publications, including special monographs, such as Erased by Omer Bartov, documented that shocking reality in detail. It is a very uneasy reading. But the point is that the phenomenon has been registered and the subject was tried to be brought to the limelight of the public discussion as long, as 8 years ago, from 2007 onward. To no avail, as we can see.
I remember very vividly, as just a couple of years ago, in the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, our Ukrainian – Ukrainian by nationality and origin – friends were terrified while saying to us:” Have you seen those giant memorials to Bandera in Lvov, and the other places of the Western Ukraine? What a horror! How on the earth is it possible? Why you in Europe did oversee it in silence and negligence? “ Now the same people are looking at us with extremely sad eyes, living in the still nightmare-like for them reality and trying to grasp the meaning of the continuing silence of the world, and close to them Europe, while the wave of the glorification of Nazim is swapping them all over Ukraine. Those people have no questions any longer. And this is alarming, indeed.
In the process of their own contribution into the matter of the national pride today, in all those cities of the Western Ukraine, the streets already named after Bandera, Shuhevich and Co in mid-1990s, now will be re-named – into the streets of the Hero Stepan Bandera, National Hero Roman Shuhevitch, Hero of Ukraine Eugen Konovaletz, etc. There is no limit for perfection.
To refresh our memory, those fighters and ‘heroes’ are responsible for the documented 88 700 (estimated 1 308 000) lives of Poles during a nightmare of the Volyn massacre carried on in 4 144 places in 1943; for thousands of victims of two horrid Lvov pogroms in July 1941, with corresponding four and two thousand people murdered in a day; for many unspeakable atrocities during the Second World War. Dry military data documented their ‘exploits’ as it is, is contained in many leading military and historical archives – such as in the Imperial War Museum ( London, UK), the State Archive of the Military History of the USA, the Australian State Commission on the Military Crimes during the Second World War, the archive of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, the data of Yad Vashem, the Federal Archive of the military history of Germany, the state Institute of the Holocaust Studies of Austria, etc. Just one quote of very many available ones: “UNA UNSO ( the Bandera and Shuchevich organisation) has been responsible for lives of 850 000 Jews, 220 000 Poles, 500 000 Ukrainian and Belorussians ( civil population), 400 000 Soviet prisoners of war”.
Back in mid-1990s, Simon Wiesenthal has told to me personally and on the record that from his vast experience, and his documented knowledge, “those Ukrainians who were the Nazi collaborators, were yet worse that the Nazi themselves in their non-stop bloody crimes, and the pleasure that they were getting from it”.
The Bandera organisation’s Torture Manual which has been re-published in Poland in 1989, is an impossible reading. It lists 180 ways of tortures of the most imaginative kind. Many Polish academics were and still are working on the subject. Among the publications of the Historic Institute of the Jagellon University, the list of the tortures, – applied to civil population, including children, elderly and women – gets to 362. Highly recommended reading, especially if somebody is getting perplexed on the definitions of the terms ‘heroes’ or ‘freedom fighters’.
In many Polish cities throughout the country there are numerous, over a dozen, tragic memorials to the victims of the Volyn massacre and the other crimes of the OUN UNA , some of those memorials are made with usage of the chilling images of the photographs of the actual massacre. The day of 11th July is commemorated in Poland as the Day of the Victims of the Volyn Massacre. For many years, previous Polish governments and the country’s Senate ( the Upper House of the Polish parliament) were trying to make Ukraine to recognise the crime against humanity carried on by the Bandera and Shuchevich butchers as a genocide on the international legal level, with the latest of these attempts had been accepted by the Polish Seim , the parliament, in the Spring 2013, a few months before the start of the Ukrainian conflict. The Polish leadership is trying to address the issue even now, despite their strong general support of the new Ukraine. And one can be absolutely sure that the Polish people would ever forget the massacre against them committed by the Ukrainian nationalists back in 1940s. There are the reasons for qualifying the crimes as the crimes against humanity. They have no statue of the limitation.
The same, as the there is no statue of limitation on yet another crime of the Ukrainian Nationalists – Khatyn massacre in Belorussia when entire village has been put on fire by the 118th Nazi Schutzmannschaft battalion formed in 1942 in Kiev from the Ukrainian militants, with people burned alive there. The list of the crimes of the new Ukraine ‘heroes’ is precise and it is a very long one, too.
Father Patrick Desbois who is known to the world as ‘The Priest on the Holocaust Mission’ has found and described methodically as endless crimes against Jewish population in Ukraine, as the crimes’ perpetrators, the OUN UNA units. He does it today with a double energy being justly outraged on the Nazism glorification in Ukraine.
The next year, there will be commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Baby Yar massacre in Ukraine. President Poroshenko has recently signed an order to create all kinds of committees to “prepare their proposals for the commemoration”. According to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum Archive in Washington, DC, “among 1500 policemen carrying on the massacre, 300 were German members of the SS, and 1200 member of the Ukrainian OUN UNSO forces ( Bandera ‘heroes’)”. The horrid statistic of Baby Yar is well known: 350 000 people were murdered there from 1941 through 1943, 160 000 of them Jewish, 50 000 of them were children. Any further questions on the Bandera fighters’ heroism?
But as it is become known, in a truly inventive approach to history, the Ukrainian authorities and the people devoted to the operation Our Heroes in Ukraine, are preparing to commemorate also the OUN own victims of Baby Yar. It is known that 14 of them had been also killed by their comrades in Baby Yar, following the orders of the Germans who were not quite happy with the faction of the OUN that tried to be not quite subordinated to the Germans.
The ideological father of the new laws in Ukraine prescribed all this outrage is the one of the new Ukrainian MPs, Jury Shuchevich, the 82 –year son of Roman Shuchevich, the one of the leaders of the infamous the SS Nachtigail battalion. The captain of SS Roman Shuchevich has been awarded the Nazi Iron Cross for his ‘exploits’ during the Second World War in Ukraine and was the agent of Abver since 1926. The fact that the son of the political leader of the SS Nachtigail battalion and the bearer of the Nazi Iron Cross is the most respected – according to the Ukrainian authorities – member of their parliament is telling by itself. He had spent many decades in the Soviet Gulag and is clearly motivated against anything Russian – he even added a new Ukrainian Bogdan name to his exiting name of Jury. But it is ridiculous to see how a personal vendetta is driven the policy of the country of the 45 million’ population.
Recognised in his country as a political heavy-weight, Jury Shuchevich was asked recently by the very pro-governmental Kyiv Post English-speaking newspaper, “is it not too much of the glorification of the Ukrainian nationalists, with the historically known record of their activities?” The senior MP of the Ukrainian parliament has responded: “It is very complicated question which has to be examined in full detail. But what about those Jews? Those ones who were in Judenrats, and who were after their own people in ghettos? I saw it by my own eyes. But Jews does not like to talk about it”.
This year the whole world commemorates the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Was 70 years not enough to ‘examine’ that ‘complicated’ questions in full detail? And how about this completely shameless, cynical and hateful statement that mocks the memory of victims of his father’s ‘exploits to the bone? In today Ukraine, Shuhevich and alike are practising such exercises routinely. In Germany and many other countries, he will get behind the bars for his racist incitements momentarily. In the current Ukraine, he is the hero, the same as his criminal father. This legacy is tarnishing the reputation of Ukraine in a global proportion.
The articles in Ukrainian version of Wikipedia has been altered drastically since the beginning of 2014, and today, one will find only positive things on their new ‘heroes’ known to the rest of the world as the ones of the biggest haters and the worst criminals in the modern history.
With unprecedented zealotry in implementation of what they believe as their new cultural and ideological identity, Ukrainian authorities did not find a better solution than ‘black lists’. They are enthusiastically blacklisting everything and everyone now – people, books, films. Those lists are telling, too. The new Ukrainian authorities has 554 people in their black list of the cultural personalities, mostly Russians, but also Steven Segal and Gerard Depardieu, and even the American boxer Roy Joyce Jr. who opted to move to Russia. Blacklisted writers, artists, actors and singers are officially declared by new Ukraine as ‘imposing the threat to its national security’. The Ukrainian authorities do know how to amuse effortlessly, it seems. Many of those very dangerous people are in their 60s, 70s and 80s; they had been the most prolific culture figures for millions of their viewers and listeners for decades.
The films with all those enemies of Ukraine, including Segal and Depardieu, are banned too, of course. The French star had laughed at the ban and thanked the Ukrainian authorities for what in his view is an honour.
In comparison, their white list of those whom they listed as their friends contains 34 names. Some of them, as famous Russian actor and poet of Jewish origin Valentin Gaft, has declared that he had been white listed without his knowledge and is officially asking the Ukrainian authorities to black-list him, please. Another one, the cult Soviet and Russian satirist writer Mikhail Zhvanezki, also of a Jewish origin, has stated that ‘he is stunned by the decision, and does not quite know how to treat it, to cry or to laugh’.
The new Ukrainian authorities attacks on literature and cinema are unprecedented for the beginning of the XXI century. In June 2015, The Ukrainian State Cinema committee has proudly reported that’ while they banned 161 films in previous months, by now the figure is 384”. The ban has been carried on following the special law passed by the Ukrainian parliament in February 2015, and followed by another special decree of the president in June 2015. The law has banned for good the films produced by Russia from 1991 onward and having anything to do with police, army, special force, etc. , including practically all films on the Second World War, on the First World War, and many historical ones. The presidential decree has banned all Russian film production from 2014 onward, including cartoons. Charming, and essentially sensible. A new word in an international governing, indisputably.
They are banning books and writers en mass, and they are banning the film versions of their own Gogol – who wrote in Russian and escaped from the place of birth first to St Petersburg and then to Italy, and their own Bulgakov for ‘unfavourable depiction’ of Ukrainians there.
The world is stunned on such allure. Reporters Without Borders has issued an official statement with this regard: “Banning of any media, films or books cannot be tolerated and shall not be practiced. This is a direct and very serious violation of the freedom of speech. We do regard the introduction of black lists and culture bans by the Ukrainian authorities as completely wrong”. Johann Bier, the director of the Eastern Europe and Middle Asia Department of the Reporters Without Borders has also clarified that the only exception which would justify such ban is a propaganda of terror – which had not be the case in the Ukrainian ban epidemic.
Mr Bier has also emphasised that ‘every case of a particular ban is due to be implemented only after at least three-level international inspection, and strictly on the basic of the international law. It is obvious that the Ukrainian authorities did not conduct their bans in accordance with the international requirements and practice for that”.
What they are conducting, it is a cultural offensive. Did somebody in the current Ukrainian leadership heard on the European, democratic values? Tolerance, humanity, etc? The most of them were educated in a decent universities, after all, albeit the Soviet ones, and some of them have had some international experience, too.
The exercises of the Ukrainian culture offensive are pathetic and amusing, but their planned and currently implemented heroisation of criminals is no reason for a laugh.
And yet, the world has swallowed simply unthinkable decision of the Ukrainian parliament back in April 2015 that recognised all those criminals as ‘fighters for the Ukrainian independence”, with all financial and legal consequences of the decision.
It seemingly is worthy to remind on the existing resolution of the European Parliament voted for back in 2010. This resolution RC-B7-0116/2010 is called Situation on Ukraine and voted on February 25th, 2010. It states the following: “European Parliament 20. – Deeply deplores the decision by the outgoing President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, posthumously to award Stepan Bandera, a leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) which collaborated with Nazi Germany, the title of ‘National Hero of Ukraine’; hopes, in this regard, that the new Ukrainian leadership will reconsider such decisions and will maintain its commitment to European values;
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Member States, the Government and Parliament of Ukraine and the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and NATO”.
As far as it is known, this resolution has not been annulled.
But the European Parliament of the current term is able to stun,too. The Czech MEP Jan Stetina has invited Andrei Biletsky, the leader of the infamous neo-Nazi Ukranian battalion Azov, to the European Parliament ‘to speak to the members of the European Parliament’. As the Czech media are boiling over such extravaganza, very self-content former journalist is brushing off the fact of the Nazi character of the Azov as ‘Russian propaganda’. Maybe, he never heard on the international coverage of the Azov – including all American press – that has prompted the US Congress to amend their aid to Ukraine specifying and emphasising that Azov and the other several neo-Nazi battalions and organisations will be excluded from receiving the US taxpayers’ money.
But he definitely knows that he his friend, devoted self-declared Nazi Biletsky calls himself proudly as White Fuhrer and demands to be called by this self-imposed nickname. Journalist Stetina does not need to have a look on a very large and plain photo- and film materials existing on Azov. He had been visiting his neo-Nazi friends frequently, and has seen all their insignia, their manuals, and everything else in full detail.
This aging MEP and not so famous journalist as he was dreaming to be, perhaps, has find the other way to make head-lines, which he certainly did in the Czech Republic. He has made his choice to promote the leader of the neo-Nazi militant unit to the European Parliament and to give him a floor there. This is shameful and despicable choice which has to be and will be confronted. MEP Stetina contributes to the neo-Nazi propaganda which is forbidden by the European laws.
Stetina has lost his job as a journalist back in 1968, as many honest people in Czechoslovakia did, including their late president Vaclav Havel; he has been sanctioned, very wrongly, by the Kremlin today, also as many of his colleagues at the European Parliament. But does it mean that it justifies the propagating Ukrainian neo-Nazism in the European Parliament? Vaclav Havel would know what to say to his disgusting compatriot. Havel never lost his dignity and humanism. Stetina had probably never had it.
As there is much truth in the sentence telling that “the people are worthy of the government which they has voted for”, the same could be said about the countries which are worth of the heroes they are imposed upon itself. Except when the world is becoming idle when a 45-million country in the centre of Europe is rapidly galloping itself towards complete contempt of history and human life in the open neo-Nazification allure.
Did we loss the conscience collectively, to allow such open neo-Nazification to swap such big country in the centre of Europe? Is this acceptable for the country which has lost over 5 million of its citizens during the Second World War, with so many of them killed by the Nazi collaborators whom they has proclaimed as their new icons today?
In the summer 2015, the German television has broadcast a stunning documentary on the children summer camps in the today’s Ukraine. Everybody is very welcome to have a look on small Ukrainian children’s smiles while performing Nazi salutes en mass, their jolly marches and enthusiastic screams of the Bandera slogans which has become the official slogans of today’s Ukraine.
Yet before, in January 2015, the world had seen a very graphic Ross Kemp’s documentary on the neo-Nazi battalions in Ukraine shown by SKY on its satellite channels world-wide. The one of many reviews on the documentary stated:” It appears to be a neo-Nazi ultimatum in Ukraine today”.
Later on, in May 2015, the German WDR documentary Brothers did show in detail not only the neo-Nazi character, ideology and agenda of those who proudly calls themselves Ukrainian nationalists, but also their close working links to the organised crime syndicats and, importantly, to the ISIS. The film is available at the WDR archive.
Very recently, in summer 2015, the fresh Polish documentary Nazis in the Trenches produced and broadcast by TVP also provides the first-hand insight into the nice world of the modern Ukrainian neo-Nazis who are very proud of themselves and loves to be in the limelight. To the questions of the Polish correspondents on their attitude towards the Ukrainian nationalists crimes against the Poles, the young enough militant , with a huge Nazi tattoo on his arm, smiles broadly: “ Well, such were the times. We had to fight for our cause”.
The message seems to start to come through – from the spring 2015 onward, the leading and most reputable Western media – such The New York Times, The Financial Time, Der Spiegel , Corriera della Serra, Stampa , La Reppublica, The Newsweek, The Times, the Sunday Times, and the Daily Telegraph – all are running a stream of articles specifically devoted to the theme of the rapid neo-Nazification of Ukraine, and its dangerous implications. But so far, many of these publications are lacking the articulation of the simplest and the essential thing: all this is completely unacceptable. The world shall not tolerate it. Period.
In August 2015, many genuinely shocked British media, including The Guardian and Daily Mail, has published a story furnished with photographs, from yet another Ukrainian neo-Nazi summer camp for children, set up by infamous Azov battalion near Kiev. The children accepted to the camp are of age of six upward. The photos from those publications are added to the article. Are the European Union officials also shocked, in some way, as the British media are, and are they going to do something about this progressing and fortifying neo-Nazification of Ukraine?
In August 2015, the official statement by the Ukrainian Security Service has announced that the part of the neo-Nazi Pravy Sector ( Right Sector) viciously anti-Semitic conglomerate of violent and armed men now will become a special unit within the Ukrainian Security Service. Yet before that, Dmitry Jarosh, the notorious leader of the Right Sector, has been very politely invited to become an adviser to the Minister of Defence of Ukraine. The people who are undertaking such steps, the one after another, seemingly did not read their history text-book back in the elementary school. Otherwise, they would see immediately the outrageous copy-cating of the actions exercised by Hitler and his circle with regard to the Ernst Röhm’s Storming Detachments in Germany in 1933-1934. The rest of such manipulations is known all too well to the entire mankind.
And while having a fun on watching the Ukrainian children in the T-shirts of the Azovetz and the other neo-Nazi camps in the current Ukraine, what one can note as their logo? The SS Das Reich Division emblem. Welcome to the new Ukraine.
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Dr Inna Rogatchi is the writer, scholar and film maker. Her forthcoming book is Dark Stars, Wise Hearts: Personal Reflections on the Holocaust in the Modern Times. Her film The Lessons of Survival is due to the Special Film Commemorative Series in honour of Simon Wiesenthal on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his passing in October 2015 in Israel. More: Rogatchi Films –