By Barney Breen-Portno, Algemeiner—
Support among the Israeli Jewish public for a withdrawal from the West Bank and the establishment of a Palestinian state is decreasing, a new poll published on Monday revealed.
The poll — conducted by Mina Tzemach on behalf of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) think tank — found that only 36 percent of Israeli Jews back a pullout from the West Bank as part of a peace agreement with the Palestinians, compared to 60% in 2005.
Also, support for the “Clinton Parameters” — described by the JCPA as a “demilitarized Palestinian state without settlement blocs, full Palestinian security control of the West Bank, Jerusalem divided and the capital of both states, the Temple Mount in the hands of the Palestinians, while Israel receives the Western Wall” — has dropped to 29%, from 59% in 2005.
When it comes to the question of the future status of Jerusalem, 79% of Israeli Jews believe it is “important to retain a unified Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty,” according to the poll.
Just over a quarter of Israeli Jews (26%) would support a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank without a peace agreement with the Palestinians, while 61% oppose such a scenario, the poll showed.