By JNS, Breaking Israel News—
Half a world away from American suburbia, Christians and other Middle East minority populations are facing extinction from Islamic terror groups such as the Islamic State. At the same time, Israel, the world’s lone Jewish state, deals with the organized terrorism of Hamas and Hezbollah as well as so-called “lone wolf” Palestinian terrorists. While these events may seem too distant for most Americans, residents of the Boston suburb of Stoughton, Mass., got a crash course on global dangers as part of an inventive interfaith event at a local synagogue last week.
The event—titled “Jews, Evangelicals, Israel—We Are in This Together: Evangelical Support for Israel and the Fight against the Genocide of Christians in the Middle East”—featured Dr. Tricia Miller and Dexter Van Zile, Christian media analysts for the Boston-based Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), who addressed an audience of Jews and Christians about the ongoing Middle East threats and efforts to undermine Christian support for Israel.
Miller told that such events help equip people to “counter terror and propaganda with fact, and encourage them to take action when need be,” in addition to fostering interfaith solidarity. Read On…