Make a Special Donation Today to The Lev Project.
Shalom! We are Larry and Dede Miller with The Lev Project. After 12 years of living and volunteering in Hungary, and a 5-month experience in Israel working with holocaust survivors, The Lev Project was born. (Lev in Hebrew means, “heart”) Having witnessed the urgent growing needs of Holocaust survivors and refugees in Eastern Europe the course of our lives has changed. We know too much now. We have seen too much. God has pierced our hearts with an unwavering love for His scattered people and we have taken to heart His command to “Feed My Sheep.”
The Lev Project partners with agencies and communities in Eastern Europe in providing humanitarian aid, identifying those in critical need and offering compassionate care to Holocaust survivors, refugees and elderly. In one hand, a cup of cold water. In the other, always the love of the Messiah.
Our mission is to implement innovative aid solutions to assist these entities in their work by expanding their resources to enable them to become more self-sufficient and assist a greater number of individuals. The Lev Project uses EAT’s (Environmentally Appropriate Technologies), which can provide low-cost efficient, long-term food, heating and energy producing solutions adapted to the local environment and region. Individuals and local communities can also benefit from income producing activities from these technologies.
EATs methodology takes into consideration the availability of local resources such as orchards, existing farm crops, forest products, temperature, available sun hours, humidity, security, wind, and manpower. These technologies include:
A.) MFOG Food Dryer (Multi-Fuel Off-Grid)
B.) Smart Pots (fabric container for growing vegetables
C.) Biogas (A primarily methane gas produced from kitchen scraps, plant waste and animal manure.)
D.) Greenhouses
E.) Other alternative energy and heating solutions including, wood gasifiers, solar (both passive and active), biomass pellet stoves, sawdust stoves, vegetable oil wick stove, etc.
As Holocaust survivors, the elderly and refugees in Eastern Europe are often forced to choose between food, medication and heating, The Lev Project urgently needs the faithful prayers of God’s people and those who will “send, support, and sustain us on the field. If Christ be anything, he must be everything. And because he is everything to us, we must go.”
Please consider joining the financial and prayer support team of The Lev Project and be an integral part of these global initiatives to affect lives in a direct way and offer tangible hope!
For more information, feel free to email us at: Or contact us by phone: 541.315.6291. Thank you!!