by Khaled Abu Toameh and Tovah Lazaroff, Jpost
The Foreign Ministry on Monday sent a cable to its embassies abroad instructing its diplomats to thwart Palestinian moves to seek unilateral recognition of statehood particularly at the UN, according to diplomatic sources.
“There is no substitute for direct negotiations,” said Foreign Ministry Hebrew spokesman Yossi Levy.
Establishing a Palestinian state is not like asking people to mark a favorite page on Facebook, he said.
He added that it was in the Palestinians best interest to talk with Israel instead of “trying to inflame” the international arena.
The Palestinian Authority reaffirmed on Monday its determination to unilaterally seek recognition by the international community for a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders despite statements to the contrary by PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.
The announcement came amid talks in Ramallah of mounting tensions between Fayyad and the PA leadership over whether the Palestinians should proceed with plans to unilaterally declare a state without agreement with Israel.
Fayyad declared over the past few days his opposition to the PA’s intention to seek unilateral statehood. He explained that the Palestinians do not want a “Mickey Mouse” state that has no sovereignty.
“We are looking for a state of Palestine, not a unilateral declaration of statehood,” Fayyad said.
His statements drew criticism from some PA and Fatah officials in the West Bank.
Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior PLO official and close advisor to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, announced that the Palestinian leadership would pursue its efforts with the UN Security Council and General Assembly to win backing for a unilateral declaration of statehood.
“We are working to ensure the backing of as many countries as possible before the next session of the UN General Assembly,” Abed Rabbo said. He also criticized the US Administration for opposing the idea.
A top aide to Abbas said in response to Fayyad’s remarks: “The prime minister expressed his personal opinion. The Palestinian leadership has a different view.”
Fatah sources told the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that Fayad’s statements were “unacceptable, incomprehensible and surprising.” The sources said that the statement contradicted efforts made by Fatah and Abbas to gain international recognition for an independent Palestinian state. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat contacted Fayyad to reprimand him and ask him to explain his comments, the sources added.
Another negotiator, Nabil Sha’ath, said in response to Fayyad’s statements: “The Palestinian people do not need the permission of anyone to declare their independence.”
Palestinians have intensified their focus on unilateral statehood after briefly holding direct talks with Israel in September.
The Palestinians have refused to negotiate with Israel until it halts settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.
Israel has asked the Palestinians to negotiate without pre-conditions, even though it did agree to partially cede to the Palestinian demands by halting new Jewish West Bank construction for ten months. It has, however, refused to renew that moratorium which expired on September 26.
An Israel official told The Jerusalem Post that the best way for the Palestinians to achieve statehood is to return to the negotiating table.
“The Palestinians have to make a clear choice between meaningless declarative statements or meaningful negotiations with Israel,” said an Israeli government official.
“One choice, the former, is cosmetic and offers only a dead end,” the official said. “The latter offers a two-state solution,” the official added.
The current impasse in the peace process stems directly from the Palestinian refusal to negotiate directly with Israel, said the official. “Everything else is a result of that,” the official added.
On one hand the Palestinians are saying that they do not want to negotiate with Israel and on the other hand they are saying that they have to go to the international community because negotiations are going nowhere , said the official.
“It is a logically inconsistent position,” the official said.
In 1988 the Palestinians declared an independent state that was recognized by dozens of countries, but that did not change the status of the Palestinians.
“The idea that there is some outside imposed solution is a myth,” said the official.