by Victor Sharpe
Islam will never accept Israel or any non-Muslim land including the United States of America. It cannot do so and still be called Islam. That said, there is no future – in particular – for the Jewish state if it believes that the Muslim world will ever accept it in true and lasting peace.
Israel, which is on the front line against resurgent and triumphal Islam has to accept the dismal fact that it cannot ever have peaceful neighbors who will not at every opportunity wish to destroy it. Israel must continue, therefore, to prosper and thrive as a state in the knowledge that it can never let down its guard.
Even with a Muslim Arab sword of Damocles hanging over it, Israel can survive and grow. Though the Jewish state yearns for peace, more so than most other civilized societies do, the very external threat can be turned to great advantage militarily, politically, socially and economically. Even in the fractious politics of Israel, nothing keeps internal divisions at bay more than when the barbarians are at the gates.
Since the great Zionist leaders of the likes of Theodor Herzl, Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky, David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Shamir have passed from the scene, there has been a long and depressing parade of weak and incompetent Israeli leaders and politicians who have brought unnecessary disaster down upon the state.
Prime Ministers Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, were all resistant to accepting the bitter truth that even if Israel shrunk to one downtown city block in Tel Aviv, the Arab and Muslim world would still not recognize a Jewish state or agree to live with it in peace and harmony. Why would it not? The answer to that question is Islam itself.
True peace can never be achieved between Muslim and non-Muslim nations. Islam mandates the faithful to spread Sharia and jihad through territorial conquest or, as in the case of Israel, by reclaiming what Muslims believe they have lost.
Even though the native and indigenous peoples of Israel are the Jews, and even though the Land of Israel was given to the Jewish people in an eternal covenant with God, it does not matter to Islam’s adherents, for wherever the Muslim foot has once trod triumphal, that territory is forever regarded as Islamic. If such territory is lost to Muslims, then Allah has been diminished and the land must be retaken. Peace, then, is merely a mirage in the desert sands.
Too many world leaders fail to understand the Muslim mindset. Israeli leaders, who of all people should know better, still fall into the fatal trap of believing that the Western model of lasting peace between nation-states can equally apply in the Middle East between Muslim and non-Muslim nations. It is a fatal fallacy.
The conflict between Israel and the Arabs in general, and between Israel and those who call themselves Palestinians in particular, is not territorial. It is theological. It is part of the existential conflict that has existed between Islam and the rest of the non-Muslim world since the 7th century.
Much of the Islamic world now feels empowered, as perhaps never before, and seeks global domination with renewed vigor. Global jihad is the tangible and growing threat to the world; not global warming.
The policies of the Jewish state must be ordered within the recognition of that reality; somber and depressing as it may be. But only when world leaders understand the nature of Islam’s theological rejection of a genuine and irrevocable peace with Israel, and Israeli leaders realize the uselessness of trading tangible and ancestral land for a delusional “peace,” will a long and overdue realism finally enter the conflict.
What we witness today is Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, under enormous pressure from the most hostile American president in Israel’s history, demanding that Israel make suicidal concession to the deceitful leader of the Palestinian Authority. Abbas is a miserable Holocaust denier, which should place him beyond the pale of every Israeli leader.
But America is under the same Islamic onslaught as Israel, though the threat is not as immediate. Nevertheless, the mosque planned for construction, a mere 600 feet from hallowed ground zero, where body parts from the nearly 3,000 people murdered by Muslim hijackers still remain under the twisted steel and concrete tomb, would be a tangible and symbolic manifestation of Islam’s triumph over America. It must not be allowed to be built for if it is, America will begin its fateful descent into becoming the United States of Dhimmitude.
As for Israel, Abbas has predictably imposed the pre-condition that he will bolt the ongoing “peace” talks unless Israel makes its self-imposed building freeze in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem permanent. This Arab leader is interested only in taking whatever he can from the Israelis while giving nothing, absolutely nothing, in return, The not so secret reason is that as a Muslim he is not permitted to make peace with a non-Muslim. Yet so many liberal and left-wing Jews inside and outside of Israel, remain infuriatingly blind to these simple facts just as in America so many liberals of all non-Muslim religions and denominations live under a veil of deception.
Great fears justifiably exist about the Obama regime and its abiding hostility towards Israel compared to the obsequious ‘bending of the knee’ by this American president towards the Islamic world and his deliberate inaction over Iran’s nuclear threats.
Even with the strongest backbone in the world, Prime Minister Netanyahu must be wondering just how strong he can be in resisting US pressure to make yet more Israeli concessions to the PA, especially if there has been some implicit or explicit linkage on action against Iran. Ii is increasingly apparent that Divine intervention is desperately needed to withstand the growing constellation of existential dangers Israel is facing from friends and foes alike.
Israeli leaders must look to their own people’s Biblical history. They must see again the nature of their enemies as spelled out in crystal clear clarity by the Almighty through the words of the Jewish prophet Jeremiah:
“They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ but there is no peace. We looked for peace, but no good came.”
Think of the disasters that Israeli leaders like Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin have brought upon the Jewish state. They were the architects of the Oslo
Accords, which we now more accurately call the Oslo War.
The premise of those failed accords, which inflicted terrible suffering on so many Israelis, was for Israel to accept that its ancestral and Biblical lands can be given away to implacable enemies in order to make them peaceful and accept what was left of the Jewish state.
Only the great Shepherd (God Almighty) can protect Israel from her enemies. The world hardly shrugged at the barbaric slaughter of four Jewish civilians near Kiryat Arba by Palestinian Arabs, including the murder of a young woman, nine month’s pregnant. It is almost axiomatic that when Israel is invited to yet another round of “peace talks” by a U.S. president and the State Department, Jewish civilians perish in one Arab atrocity after another.
It seems that no recent Israeli government has been able to face the task of fully protecting the residents of Israel. Therefore, in this time of growing worldwide anti-Jewish hatred and fearsome threats to the reconstituted Jewish state God alone, the true guardian of Israel, is there to protect it.
It was the prophet Joel who reminded his fellow Jews in his time that the Covenanted land must never be given away, for as he said:
“In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning My inheritance, My people Israel, for they scattered My people among the nations and divided up My land.”
Joel, speaking G-d’s words, then proclaimed: “The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble. But the Lord God will be a refuge for His people, a stronghold for the people of Israel.”
Islam’s followers in overwhelming numbers consider America the “Great Satan” and Israel the “Little Satan.” An old saying among Muslims who relish ultimate victory over Jews and Christians is, “First the Saturday people; Next the Sunday people.” Allahu al-Akbar, meaning Allah is greater, is the 1,400 year old war cry against all non-Muslim peoples. Only by both Israel and America upholding the Divine underpinnings and foundations of their respective nations can they withstand and defeat the onslaught of triumphalist Islam.
May it come to pass speedily in our days.
Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer and author of Volumes One and Two of Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state. and