By The Emet Report
The Hebrew month of Nissan during which Passover occurs has historically been a month of miracles for the Jewish people.
Passover (Pesach) itself and the ensuing Exodus from the slavery of Egypt is fraught with miracles.
The Jewish people are a community founded by miracles, sustained by miracles throughout our history and dedicated to a G-d of Miracles. The modern state of Israel is a living miracle.
During this very month of the year which is THE pre-eminent month of miracles in the history of the Children of Israel, new challenges have reared their heads.
Very interesting timing.
On Monday evening, Jews in Israel and around the world will put aside everything else and sit down to remember and to celebrate the unprecedented Redemption of a nation of slaves who were liberated miraculously in order to become Hashem’s Chosen Nation. At Mt. Sinai, we said “Yes” to Him.
On Monday evening, as we do every day, we will say “Yes” again.
“Yes” to His choosing of us.
“Yes” to His Torah.
“Yes” to His miracles.
“Yes” to the faith and trust that He who established us is He who will deliver us yet again – now and forever.
It is after all, Nissan – the month of miracles.
We will ‘stand and see the salvation of our G-d’ and we will give Him thanks with all our hearts.