By Abra Forman, Breaking Israel News—
In a not-so-subtle response to the recent UNESCO resolutions denying all connection between Jerusalem and the Jewish people, record-breaking numbers of Jews ascended to the Temple Mount over the three-week holiday period encompassing Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot – and in an incredible reversal of the usual status quo, some were even allowed to pray there, Haaretz reported.
While the number of non-Muslim visitors permitted on the Temple Mount is usually restricted, a relatively quiet holiday season allowed for record numbers of Jewish visitors to ascend and, marking a small but significant shift in enforced policy, to discreetly pray at the site, which is considered the holiest in Judaism. All told, over 3,000 Jews, many of them religious, visited the Mount over the holiday period.
“Jewish visitors reported a certain relaxation of the restrictions on prayer and religious rituals in the compound,” said Haaretz of the holiday visits. “For example, police did not interrupt anyone who was praying quietly on their own.”