By PAT HUTCHENS, A rework of Imitation of Messiah by Thomas A. Kempis—
I will listen to what Yahweh my God will say to me. (Psalm 85:1)
Blessed is the soul that listens when Yahweh speaks, and receives comfort from God’s own words.
Blessed are the ears that hear God softly whispering truth to the inner heart. They will not turn aside to the world’s loud shouts and empty promises.
Blessed are the ears that hear the heart of God speaking.
Blessed are the eyes that can see inwardly, not trusting or turning to outward appearances.
Blessed are those who search for what really counts in life. Great treasures await those who eagerly study God’s Word and seek heavenly truth. Blessed are those who make time spent making God a priority, who set themselves free from worldly things that hinder.
1. Keep these things in mind, O my soul. I will close all the doors of my heart, soul, mind and body to carnal living. I will listen for the Still Small Voice of God. “I eagerly look to Yahweh; I will wait for the God of my Salvation. My God will hear me! Do not rejoice against me, O my enemy; true, I sometimes fall, but I rise again. Even when I sit in darkness, Yahweh is a Light to me. I will bear up under the indignation of God because I have sinned against him – until He pleads my case and sets me on my feet again. He will execute judgment for me. He will bring me forth to the Light and I shall behold His righteousness. Then, my enemy who said, ‘Where is your God now?’” will stumble and fall” (Micah 7:8-10).
2. Hear your Beloved saying to you, “I am your Salvation. I am your peace and your life. Keep yourself for Me and you will find peace.”
Stop letting your heart go to earthly things that pass away. Don’t get bogged down in material possessions and approval of people. Look for things that last forever. How easy it is for temporal things to trick you. How easy it is for some small matter to throw you completely off guard and divert your attention from God. How easy it is to be drawn into despair and discouragement when you glance at the world and take your eyes off of God.
What good would everything in the whole world be – if you were forsaken by your Creator? What good would it do if you owned the whole world – but at the end lost your soul? Keep your heart and mind focused on the words of Yeshua (Jesus), “He that believes on me already has eternal life…and I will raise him up in the last day” (John 6). Think about that. Even if you die before Messiah returns, He will raise you up at the Last Day!
So put aside anything that hinders you from complete devotion to God. Call out to your heavenly Father, “Abba, Father God, I trust in you. Search my heart. See if there is anything in me that keeps me from being your faithful servant.” My daily goal is to please You and be faithful to You.” Focus your heart on hearing His voice say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the treasures of your Lord” (Matthew 5). As servants of Messiah Jesus, do the will of God from the heart, remembering that goal!
That is a goal worth living for! In fact, that is a goal worth dying for!