**Pray that during this holiday of Shavuot, the scriptures will come ALIVE in the hearts and minds of the Jewish people … especially the leaders.
**Pray that a new understanding of the word of YHVH would dawn upon the people.
**Pray that a powerful appetite and apprehension of the word would fill the people … i.e. that they would capture its meaning, as the word captures their hearts and minds.
**Pray that they will “taste and see” how sweet the word of YHVH really is … even as they taste the milk and honey foods that they will eat during this holiday.
**Pray for the Holy Spirit to descend in wind and in fire again … just as it did on the first Shavuot gathering in Jerusalem of Yeshua’s followers after he ascended.
**Pray for an astounding release and outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout the Land … and to all the Jewish people in the Diaspora.
**Pray for instantaneous healings and deliverance as the people pray and read the word. Pray for instantaneous revelations of WHO THE MESSIAH REALLY IS.
**Pray that the fire of passion will fill the hearts of the Messianic believers in the Land … in a way that it has not been done on a large scale since the first Pentecost.
**Pray for the Body to be in total unity, as was the case in the ancient gathering of disciples.
**Pray for the ripening of the harvest,. Pray for more skilled, Spirit-led, workers to serve in the harvest field. Pray for the ingathering of the harvest itself.
**Pray for PM Bibi Netanyahu, and for all the government and military leaders … for them to know the Word as well as knowing, understanding, and obeying YHVH, who gave the Word.
**Pray for the protection of Israel against all threats and attacks. Pray that the Jews of Israel will cry out to YHVH for help during their prayers of Shavuot.
**Pray for the youth in Israel … that they might be filled with the Holy Spirit and with the knowledge of YHVH … so that they will arise to claim and to defend the Land on behalf of YHVH. Arise young men and women of valor!
**Pray that the intercessors in Israel will be freshly filled with the Holy Spirit, so that they can expand in their authority, effectiveness, wisdom, and understanding. Pray that they will endure, even as you pray that they will have new favor given to them to rise into leadership positions in the Land.
Add to these prayers as the Holy Spirit leads you. As Israel faces more challenges than ever before, let’s pray for her people to be in unity and in intimacy with YHVH as never before. The sun is rising! Let’s rise and meet with YHVH in this new day.