By Arlene Bridges Samuels, CBN—
Ancient history is once again surfacing in modern times. Several generations have passed since the first of a series of world-changing events occurred—when Israel was reestablished as a modern state in 1948. Later, the Israeli-Arab peace treaties of 1979 and 1994—followed by the U.S. Embassy’s move to Jerusalem in 2018—also marked significant moments in history. Now the Abraham Accord of 2020 takes its place as part of God’s design for the world in His redemptive plan of love, with Israel as His centerpiece.
The Abraham Accord traces its roots to Father Abraham. He loved both his sons: Ishmael, his first-born, and Isaac, his son of promise. In Genesis 17:20, God assured Abraham that He would not forget Ishmael. “As for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation” (NIV).
God fulfilled promises to both sons. He granted Ishmael vast tracts of land and the promise of becoming the father of the Arab nations. God deeded the Jewish homeland with His engraved commandments and eternal covenants through Isaac and his 12 grandsons. Since Judaism birthed our Christian faith, the Abraham Accord connects three monotheistic faiths. While Christians use the name “Abraham,” for Muslims he is “Ibrahim” and is called “Avraham” in the Jewish faith.
The Abraham Accord announced by President Trump last week enshrines a modern-day version of God’s promises kept for the “Semitic cousins.” The Accord formalizes diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel. The nations will exchange embassies and ambassadors. Wide-ranging collaboration will ramp up many sectors, such as tourism, education, and healthcare. Flights will take to the skies between Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Tel Aviv. The positive implications of God’s plan through His ancient friend Abraham are once again manifesting in the 21st century.
The historic breakthrough comes after years of a behind-the-scenes relationship between Israel and UAE, during which Prime Minister Netanyahu and Crown Prince Bin Zayed have held many common interests and concerns. Chief among them is the threat posed to the region by Iran, the biggest terror-supporting nation in the world. The Prime Minister and Crown Prince both disagreed with the Obama administration’s Iran deal and also wanted financial and defense interests to increase in the region. Then, under the Trump administration, negotiations jumped onto a fast track after the U.S. President won the trust of Arab nations in the Middle East, already matched with his clear, supportive policies toward Israel.
In the past six weeks, the deal reached its zenith with President Trump’s announcement on August 13th after a three-way call between President Trump, Netanyahu, and Mohammed bin Zayed. The Crown Prince stated, “This is the best news of 2020.” President Trump, who brokered the accord, tweeted, “This is a HUGE achievement.” It is expected that other Arab countries will follow UAE’s lead. We can also look forward to an official ceremony welcoming Netanyahu and Mohammed bin Zayed to the White House, which promises to be a memorable celebration. Continue Reading…