Washington, Nov. 3 – A new U.S. bi-partisan, national poll (PDF, PowerPoint) of actual voters conducted for The Israel Project on Nov 2. – election day and evening – shows an overwhelming number of Americans who say Israel is committed to peace (65 percent). The poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.
In the survey of 1,000 voters, fully 65 percent said they believed the Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is committed to reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians. That compares to less than half that amount – 31 percent – who said the Palestinian Authority led by President Mahmoud Abbas, is committed to a peace agreement with Israel.
Further, a majority of U.S. voters (56 percent) said they believed America should support Israel, while just 5 percent said the nation should support the Palestinians (39 percent of voters were either undecided or said “neither”).
Said Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and president of The Israel Project, “Yesterday’s voters are sending a clear signal of support to Israel.”
Voters said the two best reasons the United States should stand with Israel is that, “Israel is our most important ally in the Middle East” (38 percent) and, “Israel shares our values including the freedom of speech, religion, press and the right to vote” (35 percent).
Of the 1,000 voters surveyed, 45 percent identified themselves as Republicans, 41 percent Democrats and 13 percent other/third party; 48 percent of the respondents were men and 52 percent were women. The margin of error for the poll is +/- 3.1 percent.