Red Alert: What is Trending?

By Amy Zewe— Between the COVID-19 crisis that is replete with questionable government mandates and policies that may rival many a free-nation’s constitutions and much of science—albeit so much is still unknown about the facts of COVID-19—the US is now enduring yet another racially charged period of riots and protests. Protests which are not unwarranted,…

Annexation vs. Sovereignty: Words Matter

By Arsen Ostrovsky and Richard Kemp,— Words matter. They drive narratives. They influence policy. And they shape people’s perceptions. The current debate over whether Israel’s proposed actions in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) — in accordance with President Donald Trump’s “peace to prosperity” plan — amount to “annexation” or the “application of sovereignty”…

Report: Chief ICC prosecutor clears way for war crimes investigation against Israel

By ILH Staff— International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has reportedly told the ICC’s Pretrial Chamber that a war crimes investigation against Israel over its policies regarding the Palestinians can proceed despite the continued application of the 1993 Oslo Accords. Israel and its allies have argued that the Oslo Accords, on which the regional peace…

The Palestinian Issue: a Core Cause of Middle East Turbulence?

By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative” Why is the red carpet, which welcomes Palestinian leaders to Western capitals, exchanged for a shabby rug when they land in most Arab capitals?B2020, the widely-disseminated Arabic hashtag, “Palestine is not my cause,” reflects the growing Arab disdain toward Palestinians. It is consistent with the…