B'tayavon: Stuffed tomatoes

*The word for tomato in Hebrew is “Agvania.” The root of the word is to love or desire. Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, did not like this word selection for tomato. He thought it was too sensual and insisted on the more Semitic word for tomato, “badura.” However, in a rare occurrence Ben-Yehuda did…

Stuffed tomatoes

*The word for tomato in Hebrew is “Agvania.”  The root of the word is to love or desire.  Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, did not like this word selection for tomato.  He thought it was too sensual and insisted on the more Semitic word for tomato, “badura.”  However, in a rare occurrence Ben-Yehuda did not win the linguistic battle.  People in…

A Goliath in the Church

BY PAUL WILKINSON, JPOST— “The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: ‘Have you not observed that these people are saying, “The Lord has rejected the two clans that He chose”? Thus they have despised My people so that they are no longer a nation in their sight’” (Jeremiah 33:23-24). One man who has consistently…

Dismantle the Iranian Auschwitz

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— With the world riveted by protests in Syria and the uprising in Libya, everyone seems to have forgotten the most important issue: Iran’s breathless pursuit of nuclear weapons. But the dearth of attention in no way reflects a lessening of the threat, as the ayatollahs march steadily closer to developing an…