A war for world's future

By Mordechai Kedar, Ynetnews.com It is clear to anyone with eyes in their head that the battle taking place off the Gaza shore is in fact a clash between an Islamist coalition which Turkey attempts to head – and which includes Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah on one hand – and forces with a liberal Western…

The terror finance flotilla

by Jonathan Schanzer, The Weekly Standard (online) The Turkish organizers of the Gaza Strip-bound flotilla that was boarded this morning by Israeli commandos knew well in advance that their vessels would never reach Israeli waters. That’s because the organizers belong to a nonprofit that was banned by the Israeli government in July 2008 for its…

Ware the Spider's web

By Stan Goodenough The eruption of violence that occurred on the high seas in the early hours of May 31, when criminals and terrorists masquerading as peace activists attacked and tried to kill Israeli soldiers had at least one positive outcome: It caused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel his visit to the White House,…

A brutal ambush at sea

By Ron Ben-Yishai, Ynetnews Ron Ben Yishai recounts the bloody clash aboard Gaza-bound vessel: The lacking crowd-dispersal means, the brutal violence of ‘peace activists,’ and the attempt to bring down an IDF helicopter Our Navy commandoes fell right into the hands of the Gaza mission members. A few minutes before the takeover attempt aboard the…

The “Gaza Flotilla” – Terrorism or Civil-Disobedience?

By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger Straight from the Jerusalem Cloakroom #235, May 31, 2010 Tell me who are your supporters/organizers and I’ll tell who you are! Israel’s Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center sheds light on the nature of Turkey’s IHH, the chief organizer of the flotilla to Gaza (http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/hamas_e105.htm): 1. The radical Islamic, anti-Western IHH…