Glory or weakness

By Victor Sharpe The obscene Goldstone Report unleashed all that we already knew of the world; that it hates the Jew and hates the reconstituted Jewish state. The report’s bigotry, its lies of commission and omission, were made even more unbearable by the fact that a South African Jew foolishly gave his name to it.…

Iran, Israel and the Bomb

By Carol Pederson, Wall Street Journal Sorting the real, from the phony, nuclear proliferation threats. As far as grand summitry goes, an American President hasn’t hosted something like the current two-day talk-in on nuclear security in Washington since—well, as the Obama Administration described it, not since the San Francisco Conference of 1945. That meeting created…

A Dangerous Silence

By Ed Koch, Jewish World Review I weep as I witness outrageous verbal attacks on Israel. What makes these verbal assaults and distortions all the more painful is that they are being orchestrated by President Obama. For me, the situation today recalls what occurred when the Roman emperor Vespasian launched a military campaign against the…