America under attack

ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 1 BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— This is the first of six articles on the Islamic Invasion of America. The articles are excerpts from Dr. Booker’s new book, “Radical Islam’s War Against Israel, Christianity and the West.” All Americans need to be aware of how radical Islamists plan to destroy Israel, subjugate…

America under attack

ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 1 BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— This is the first of six articles on the Islamic Invasion of America. The articles are excerpts from Dr. Booker’s new book, “Radical Islam’s War Against Israel, Christianity and the West.” All Americans need to be aware of how radical Islamists plan to destroy Israel, subjugate…

Netanyahu says Ezekiel 37 fulfilled

By Joel Rosenberg, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week traveled to to Poland to commemorate the 65th anniversary of liberation of Auschwitz. Speaking on the actual site of the Nazi death camp, the Prime Minister warned the world of new genocidal threats against the Jewish people and the importance of acting early enough…

Why Preterism is a False Doctrine

By Daymond Duck, Prophecy Plus Ministries Those who believe all prophecy has been fulfilled are called Preterists.  Not all Preterists agree with each other. There are partial Preterists and full Preterists.  The partial Preterists are divided into historicists and futurists.  Some of the partial Preterists believe the full Preterists are pagans, etc. The word “preterist”…